How The Most Dangerous Thing Is To Love

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T.W.: blood, violence, death

Dream felt the teeth of the Inu he was fighting sink deep into his shoulder. The golden Inu screamed in pain. He grabbed the other Inu, small C class Labrador, and threw them off.

The humans around them cheered and whooped, sometimes throwing things into the ring. Dream was only focused on surviving. He was given no weapons. Compared to most Inu's here, C and D classes with dog-like muzzled and claws, he was defenceless.

The other Inu charged again. Dream dodged out of the way. He didn't want to kill them. He didn't even know their name. But only one of them was getting out of this ring alive.

And if Dream was being treated like a dog, he had to fight like one.

Dream snatched the Inu's arm, throwing them to the ground. The other Inu fell easily. They landed hard on their back with Dream on top of them.

"I'm sorry..." Dream whispered.

The other Inu smiled bitterly, almost a snarl on their black muzzle. They tilted their neck up and closed their eyes.

"Just do it." They scoffed.

In a swift motion, Dream bit down on their neck and tore out their throat.

He felt sick. Doused in the blood of other Inu's as well as his own. Dream stood to his feet, shaking in the sound of humans cheering. This hadn't been the first time he's had to fight to the death. Not in this ring, or any of the previous ones he's been in. It never got easier.

The Inu's body was dragged out. Dream stood motionless, watching their face. They looked so peaceful...

"Well there you have it folks!" The announcer laughed, "the class A golden wins again! Now for this next round, we're giving it a bit of a cool off!"

The crowd laughed. However, Dream knew what this meant. They're sending in a bait dog. A young pup for him to throttle for sick entertainment.

"Fresh off the streets!" The announcer continued, "a class B, possibly A! Golden Inu!"

Dreams eyes widened in horror as he saw the next Inu be thrown into the ring. Terrified, bright blue eyes stared into his own green ones. No... It couldn't...

"D-dream?" Tommy whimpered, shaking on the other side of the ring.

"Shut up and fight!" A man leaned into the ring, giving a hard smack to Tommy's head.

In a flash Dream was between them, growling dangerously at the human.

"Don't fucking touch him." Dream snarled.

The man's face grew red, "shut up you fucking dog!"

The man reached to grab a bat, but before his fingers touched the metal, Dream bit into his throat.

Humans rushed toward him, pulling him off the man. Dream didn't care. If they were focused on him, they wouldn't hurt Tommy. He's rather die than let Tommy endure the horrors of the ring.

After a few minutes of struggling, he heard a click. Dream froze. He recognized the sound of a gun.

The humans forced him to the ground, making him watch as a man held a pistol to Tommy's head. He could see the fear in the young Inu's eyes. Dream stopped struggling.

The man with the gun smiled, "good dog. Now what to do about you attacking a human? I know!"

The man smiled cruelly, "I'll kill this pup in front of you."

"NO!" Dream screamed, breaking away from the humans holding him.

There was a gunshot.

Two Nekos jumped at the sound. Ranboo looked at George with wide eyes. They had been put in the same box due to their heterochromia. Luckily, they hadn't been shown off yet. They'd been relatively safe, save for starvation and electrodes implanted in their wrists.

Ranboo's ears flicked as his tail curled tighter around his legs, "what-what-what was that?"

"Fight ring." George said quietly, "it's the Inu's today. Something went wrong apparently."

" that where they took Tommy..?" Ranboo asked.

George sighed softly, "probably."

Ranboo choked back a sob, shaking slightly, "I hate this..."

George's tail flicked. He wished he could say something to comfort the boy. He'd been here for three days. George wished he could tell the boy that everything would be okay, and that Quackity, Sam and Phil would find them, and they'd be reunited with their families.

But the reality was, unless they got sold, they would probably never be found.  George could hope and wish all he wanted, but that wasn't going to change anything.


The Nekos jumped at the loud sound. Red lights flashed around the room. Screaming and yelling echoed down halls. They saw people running past the glass box. No one even glanced at them.

A man slammed open the glass door, grabbing bother Ranboo and George, "come on!"

Ranboo whimpered at the harsh grip on his newly injured wrist. Luckily, moments later a brown furred Neko slammed into the human.

The man released the two Nekos, falling heavily against the wall. The brown Neko and the human wrestled for a minute before the Neko got the upper hand.

It was hard to see what was happening with the red lights, but as the brown Neko turned to George and Ranboo, they recognize him.

"Ant!" George gasped, running to hug his friend.

Ant chuckled briefly, "good to see you too. Now let's get both of you out of here. Sam and Phil are dealing with the ring. Bad and Skeppy are leading teams to arrest the sellers."

"How did you find us?" George asked as Ant lead him and Ranboo out of the building.

"Bad managed to follow the van that grabbed Tommy and Ranboo." Ant explained, "Tubbo got to Phil and Sam just in time."

"Tubbo's okay?" Ranboo asked, tears filling his eyes.

Ant nodded as the three of them walked outside, "a few scrapes and bruises from what I heard, but yeah, he's okay. He should be waiting at the hospital with Puffy."


The Neko looked up to see Quackity running towards him. George all but collapsed in his arms.

"Holy shit you're okay!" Quackity gasped, hugging his friend tightly, "oh my god I'm so sorry!"

"Shut up." George told him, holding him tighter, "just shut up right now."

Quackity nodded, "okay. Let's get both of you somewhere safe."

"Have you found Tommy and Dream yet?" Ranboo asked as they walked toward the ambulance.

"I haven't head yet." Quackity sighed, "but we will find them, okay?"

Ranboo nodded. Then the paramedics took him. Quackity looked toward the building. They will find them.

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