What Is Freedom?

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T.W.: panic attack, breif mention of scars/minor injuries

Dream had fallen asleep soon after he finished the soup. It had been the best thing he'd ever eaten, and the warmth pulled him into a sleepy state. Quackity had been pleased that the Inu had trusted him enough to sleep while he was still in the room.

The scarred man sighed after a while, setting down his book, "George, I know you're there."

The Neko laughed lightly as he walked back into the room. George sat on the bed, his ear flicking as he stared at Quackity.

"I thought I told you not to bother him for the time being." Quackity sighed, folding his small wings back.

George shrugged, "this is the first person you've brought back in a while, I was curious! And besides, I'm older anyway so you can't tell me what to do."

Quackity laughed lightly, "shut up!"

George's tail twitched, "so what's his story? He's a lot older than the ones you usually rescue."

"I've seen him in the market every year for the past couple years." Quackity started, "different sellers every time. Class A purebred."

George hummed, "wow, no wonder people wanted him. Green eyes too."

Quackity nodded, "don't know why he was being sold every year, didn't get a chance to really talk to him. And I didn't want to ask his seller, the guy was really fuckin creepy."

George wrinkled his nose, "ugh."

"Yeah." Quackity continued, "when he wakes up we'll get his story."

"By the amount of scars on him, it won't be a happy one." George leaned over the Inu slightly.

"Are they ever?" Quackity whispered.

George went quiet, lightly rubbing the scars circling his wrists, "No."

Quackity sighed, "come on. Let's let him rest."


Dream woke up the next morning with more energy than he had in years. Next to his bed, on a small table, was a plate of eggs and bacon. Dream took the plate. A small note was attached.

Eat up Dream, we can't wait to officially meet you!


The Inu smiled at the note. He dug into the food. It was amazing. Dream wasn't used to getting this type of food, often just getting scraps. Sometimes he had to resort to digging through the garbage. He had gotten cought once while doing that and ended up chained to a wall for a week with no food.

Dream shivered at the memory. He hoped these people weren't like that. But based on the food he had received so far, he doubted he'd have to fend for scraps before he was sold off again.

Quackity walked in just as Dream finished off the bacon. The man smiled at the Inu, noting the much more relaxed posture.

"Hey." Quackity smiled as Dream looked up, "I see you liked Karl's cooking."

Dream blushed slightly, "yeah, I-It's the best thing I've ever had."

Quackity chuckled, "we need to get you some actual good food then."

Dream tilted his head as Quackity laughed to himself. When the golden winged man stopped laughing, he smiled softly.

"The bathroom is across the hall. I left some clean clothes in there for you." Quackity told him, "whenever you're ready you can come downstairs and meet everyone."

Dream nodded. Quackity took the empty plate, walking out the door again. The Inu stood from the bed. He stretched lightly, letting his tail give a few happy wags.

Dream walked out of the bedroom, spotting the bathroom door cracked open. He made his way in and closed the door behind him. On the counter was a lime green hoodie, a black tee-shirt, and some jeans along with a note.

Feel free to take a shower if you need. You can use anything in the shower.

-Big Q

Dram smiled lightly. Few of the places he'd been allowed their pets to take showers like this. So Dream eagerly turned on the water to warm. He let the steam build up, starting to fog the mirror before he decided to get in.

It was so nice. The warmth of the water hitting his tired, sore muscles felt amazing. The heat trickled past his various bruises and cuts, numbing the pain slightly. Dream lightly rubbed around his neck. He was surprised to find that his collar had been taken off. It was an... Interesting feeling. One Dream would say he quite liked, if his tail wagging had anything to say.

Once Dream had cleaned, dried, and dressed himself, he stood in front of the mirror. His hair was still slightly damp. He could see a purple and red mark around his neck where his collar usually sat. Dream didn't know it was doing so much damage.

The Inu sighed, turning towards the door. But he paused. Oh no... Quackity told him to come down whenever he was ready, but when is whenever how does he know when he's supposed to go down oh god what was he supposed to do he's a failure and he just messes everything up! OH GOD SOMEONE HELP.

Dream was curled up on the floor, unable to catch his breath when Quackity went to check on him. The harpy knocked on the door, frowning when he didn't get a response. He called out to Dream, getting the same answer. So Quackity opened the door to find Dream drowning in a panic attack.

Quackity carefully knelt down next to the Inu, "woah, hey Dream, it's okay. What happened?"

Dream choked on a sob, his ears laying flat to his head, "I'm sorry..."

"You don't have anything to apologize for, you're okay." Quackity gently rubbed Dreams back, "just take some deep breaths. You didn't do anything wrong."

"I didn't know when I was supposed to come down, I-" Dream hiccuped, "I thought I would be late or too early and I don't want to upset you..."

"Okay." Quackity hugged the Inu, "you're okay. No one's mad at you. Everyone's more worried about you. Once you're calmer we can go see everyone. George is there, I know he snuck into your room yesterday, the cat bastard."

Dream let out a small laugh. Quackity smiled at that. Maybe it was a good thing the Neko and Inu met early. The harpy wrapped his soft golden wings around the Inu. Dream wasn't going to be tossed around anymore. He was going to be safe and taken care of.

Quackity pulled his wings back to rest against the small of his back, "are you ready to meet everyone?"

Dream nodded, sucking in a breath as he and Quackity stood up. He was ready.

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