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T.W.: kidnapping

Quackity had been pouring over the documents for almost a week. He barely slept, barely ate. The only way they could get him to take a break is if Sapnap or Karl physically pulled him away from the work.

Sapnap sighed, wrapping his arms around Quackity's waist and resting his chin on his shoulder, "Alex, you can't keep up like this."

Quackity tensed, letting out a breath, "I'm going to find Dream and George."

"You've been working all week. Karl and I are worried about you." Sapnap told him.

"Sam and Phil are coming over to help. I'm fine." Quackity said.

"Your feathers are a mess." Sapnap sighed as he gently pet the harpies wings.

Quackity huffed, flaring his wings and forcing his fiance away from him. He rounded on the human.

"I don't care." Quackity growled, "do you have any idea what it's like in the black market!? The way they treat us!?"

"The way who treats you?" Sapnap asked, taking a step back.

"HUMANS!" Quackity screamed, his wings flaring.

The harpies eyes widened as he realized what he said. He slapped his hand over his mouth, his wings drawing in tightly.

"Sap I didn't-" Quackity started.

"No." Sapnap shook his head, "I get it. I'll let you work."

Quackity watched as Sapnap walked upstairs. He didn't mean to shout at him. The harpy sighed, sitting down on the couch. Maybe he did need a break...

There was a knock on the door. Quackity got up, trudging over and opening the door. He was greeted with a harpy with large, pitch black wings, and an Inu wearing a large mask.

Quackity breath out a sigh, "Sam, Phil. Come in, please."

Phil smiled and stepped inside, "hey mate. How you holding up?"

Quackity shrugged as Sam also walked in, "I'm... I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow as his ear twitched.

"Yeah." Quackity closed the door and turned towards the table, "here's what we have so far."

Sam hummed, walking over to the spread of papers all across the table, "what I've gathered on my end is that primarily Neko's are being kidnapped. A few others have been as well, three Inu's, a merling, and a piglin."

"Damn..." Quackity sighed sharply.

Phil nodded, "I've told the boys to be careful going out."

"Do you have any location?" Quackity asked.

"Possibly." Sam said slowly, taking off his mask to reveal a German Shepherd-like muzzle, "all the kidnappings were around this warehouse. It's owned by a man named Xander who uses it as an art studio. No criminal record, but was known for being against the freedom of hybrids."

"So it's possible he's opening up a Neko exhibit." Quackity growled, "fucking sick."

"What about the Inu's, and the merling and piglin?" Phil asked.

"Well merlings are extremely rare, especially around here." Sam crossed his arms as he thought, "they were highly prized in any hybrid exhibit. Piglins, as well as Inu's, are known for fighting. They could have a fighting ring there as well."

Phil shook his head, "that's horrible."

Sam nodded, "honestly I don't have high hopes of finding the piglin. He was taken from an orphanage. He's about four years old."

"They wouldn't put a kid that young in a fighting ring, would they?" Quackity's eyes went wide.

Sam sighed, "they would. As bait."

Quackity shivered, "that's fucked up."

"It is." Phil frowned, ruffling his feathers, "so let's find them quickly."

"Alright." Sam nodded, "Phil, can you scope the place tonight or tomorrow?"

The harpy gave the Inu a soft smile, "we have family dinner tonight, but tomorrow may be better anyway."

"Is there a reason you're busy tonight?" Quackity asked.

Phil chuckled, his wings fluffing up, "Tubbo's birthday is today. He's been really anxious about George and Dream, so we're hoping this will cheer him up a little."

"That's nice." Sam smiled softly, "hopefully we'll find them soon."

Phil hummed and nodded, "Ranboo and Tommy are keeping him out of the house right now while Wil, Techno, and Fundy are setting up the house."

"Are you sure it's safe for them to be out?" Quackity asked.

"I'm worried." Phil admitted, "but they shouldn't have gone far. They were supposed to stay around the park."

Sam gave him a look, "you know for a fact they didn't listen."

Phil sighed, "probably."

Quackity was about to speak when the door slammed open. A young satyr ran in, stumbling over his own hooves. He was gasping for breath, his clothes were torn with what looked like spots of blood.

"Phil!" The boy sobbed, falling into the harpies arms.

"Tubbo!?" Phil shouted as he cought the satyr.

"I'm sorry!" Tubbo cried, holding tightly to Phil's shirt, "I'm sorry! I couldn't-! They took-!"

"Woah! Tubbo! What happened?" Quackity rushed to the boys side.

Sam gently rubbed Tubbo's back, "it's okay, breathe. You're safe here."

Sapnap and Karl ran down the stairs. The humans paused momentarily before rushing over to the hybrids.

"What happened?! What's wrong?!" Sapnap asked.

Tubbo choked on a sob, "they took Tommy and Ranboo! These-these guys grabbed Ranboo- and then they tried to grab Tommy- then Tommy told me to run and I did but they grabbed me-!"

"Tubbo!" Phil interrupted, grabbing the boys arms, "breathe. Where were you?"

"At the park, like you told us. We were by the creek." Tubbo told him, much less panicked but still shakey.

Sam nodded at the glance Phil gave him, "on it. Sending a squad that way."

"Holy shit..." Karl gasped softly, "are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I-I think so?" Tubbo sniffed, "I'm really fucking scared..."

"We know." Phil sighed, hugging him, "come on. Let's make sure you're okay. Sam will find everyone, they'll be okay."

Tubbo nodded, letting himself be guided to the couch. Quackity told Sapnap to get the first aid kit before moving to the satyrs side. The boy was shaking violently, still terrified from the attempted kidnapping.

Sam walked over, "I have an officer who's gotten visual on Tommy and is following."

"This quickly?" Sapnap asked, walking back in.

Sam nodded, "Bad heard Tommy screaming and followed the sound."

Phil let out a short laugh, "sounds like Tommy."

"You have a decent cut on your face." Quackity hummed, reaching for a cleaning wipe.

"Oh..." Tubbo whispered, reaching up to his cheek.

"Hey, it's okay." Karl squeezed the boys shoulder, "we'll find them."

"Damn right we will " Sapnap nodded.

Quackity frowned. They'll find them. Even if they have to burn the city to the ground.

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