Burning Memories

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Dream sighed softly as Karl drove them all back home. He watched as they passed a park, recognizing Tommy sitting on a bench with two other boys. One was a Neko. He was tall with one black ear and one white ear, as well as white splotches on his black tail. The other boy was a satyr, shorter than the other two but with full horns sprouting from his head.

"What the hell!?" George shouted suddenly, making Dream jump, "did they start the bonfire already!?"

Dream looked up as they approached the house. Sure enough, smoke was rising into the sky. The Inu's eyes widened. He'd never actually seen fire before.

Karl laughed, "calm down! It's late as is and we need to put it out before we go to sleep."

The Neko scoffed, "why not just stay up all night?"

"We all know you're going to be the first one to fall asleep." Karl rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, no I won't." George huffed, crossing his arms as they pulled into the driveway.

"Sure." Karl laughed as he got out.

Dream followed after them. He was excited, if a little nervous. The Inu wondered about the fire. XD told him once that before he was sent to the ring, he had been left in a burning building. The older Inu had said the fire was beautiful, even as the flames closed in on him and he choked on the smoke. Orange tinged with yellow and red, dancing light and leaving behind red glowing charcoal. Dream hung on to every word. And with XD's dying breath, he promised one day he would see for himself what it was like.

"Dream!" Quackity called with a smile, breaking the Inu out of his thoughts.

Dreams tail started wagging softly, "Quackity!"

The golden winged man laughed, "Just call me Big Q, okay?"

Dream nodded. He walked out to the backyard, following Quackity. Outside was a huge bonfire, along with a laughing Sapnap who was waving a flaming stick around.

"Sap! I told you to put that down! You're going to burn the house down!" Quackity yelled as he ran towards his fiance.

"I'm not gonna burn it down!" Sapnap laughed, keeping the stick out of Quackity's reach.

Quackity huffed as he continued to try and reach the stick, "you said that last time!"

"And I was right!" Sapnap shot back, "I only burned a third of the yard!"

Quackity gave him a look. Sapnap sighed, sticking the stick back into the fire and leaving it there. Karl walked up and hugged his fiance.

"It's okay," Karl whispered to Sapnap, "I found the sparklers!"

Quackity shook he's head as Sapnap lit up. The harpy turned toward the door, where Dream and George were standing.

"You can come closer if you want." Quackity smiled at them.

George nudged Dream with his tail, "you go on. I need to grab the snacks."

Dream nodded, moving closer to the large fire and his new... Friends? Is that what he could call them? He felt a heaviness sit in his chest. They bought him. He was theirs. Not a friend, just a pet.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Quackity asked, placing a hand on his arm, "you looked sad all of a sudden. Is the fire too big? We can tone it down if you need!"

Dream shook his head, giving them a smile, "no! Everything's fine! I'm fine!"

Quackity smiled at him as George came back out with a tray of sugary food. Even if he was just a pet, at least he was owned by the nicest people he'd met. That was enough for Dream.

"Everyone's here now!" Sapnap smiled, "I think it's time to start Big Q!"

Quackity laughed, "okay okay!"

The harpy turned to Dream. He had a serious expression, but the severity was cut by the smile he was trying to hide.

"Dream. These papers were once proof that someone owned you." Quackity began, holding out some paperwork, "They state that you are property, something that can be sold and bought like a toy. But you are your own person. You own yourself. No one else can ever control you, own you, or hurt you ever again! The only person you ever have to serve again is you! So now Dream! You can take these papers and throw them into the fire! Burn away all the chains that held you back!"

Quackity handed the papers to Dream, "Whenever you're ready."

The Inu took the papers with wide eyes. These papers were his eligibility to be sold again. Now he had the power to destroy them, to never be sold again. Dream looked up at the fire...

The papers fluttered down on the cheers of Dreams new family. Dream didn't even watch as the paper blackened and crumpled. Instead the Inu laughed. He let his new family hug him. He ate his first s'more, getting chocolate and marshmallow everywhere. And he went to sleep late than night with a smile on his face.

He was free.

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