The Scavenger Hunt

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After a short drive, the car comes to a stop, and Lisa kills the engine. Jennifer hears her heels clicking the asphalt as she walked around to the trunk. Angry Lisa looks at everyone in there "Up and at 'Em. Pledges. Hell week starts now." Just then Jennifer feels someone grab her arm and haul her out of the trunk. The ground changed from asphalt to wet, dewy grass, and Jennifer struggle to keep her footing with zero visibility. Finally, the hand grips the top of the bag and roughly yanks it off her head. Jennifer and her friends looked around and saw many girls they were also brought there that was pledges as well. Some Jennifer and her friends knew but others they did not. After Lisa told them all what they were doing for the first pledge she said it was a Scavenger hunt to bring back the sweater of the house founder one Chantelle Turner. After Lisa explain the challenge they split them into teams and Veronica asked to be with Jennifer and Connie and Lisa granted that request. Lisa looks at everyone "Okay, first clue is." Lisa unfurls a scroll tied with ribbon and reads it out loud. 'For early mornings or all-nighters, this is the home of weary writers.' "You have two hours to return the sweater to us at Kappa Phi Sigma house. Starting... Now."

As the other pledges went to there team and separate Jennifer, Connie and Veronica puts their heads together to solve this clue. Thinking back Jennifer started thinking and looks at everyone "That it that must mean the next clue is at the cafe! Get it? When you're up late writing something, you need coffee. The next clue is at the cafe!" Hearing that her crush Jennifer figured it out she grins and was so happy she was so smart. Ooh, that makes total sense! Got to get that caffeine boost!" Then Connie smiled "Nice one, Jennifer. Let's go pay Jared a visit..." the three of them heads to the cafe and push through the door. Jared looks up as the bells jingles. "Evening, ladies. Looking for Rupert?" Then Jennifer got shocked "Huh? Is he here?" Oh hey guys. Yeah we agreed to study together, right?" Jennifer was about to object, because of the scavenger hunt but Rupert gives her a meaningful look. She started looking at him shocked "Uh... right! Let's do some studying!" Jennifer and Connie grabs a seat and sat down as Veronica snoops for the clue. Then Connie looks over at Rupert. Rupert, what's going on? Why are you here at two in the morning?!"

Then Rupert started looking sad "I came here to talk to Jared, but then I chickened out and said I came here to do some late-night studying! And if I leave, he'll know I was lying! Can you y'know, help maintain my cover?" Then Jennifer smiled "I guess..." Jared walks over to their table to check up on them just as Veronica comes back from the bathroom, shaking her head to say she couldn't find the clue. How's that studying, Rupert?" He just looks at him "Oh it's... it's going good! Learning a lot about... History." Then Jared looks at him "Oh... that's good I'm glad you're studying is going well." While Jared was talking to Rupert Connie looks at him cause she liking the music that was being played "What's the music, Jared? I like it." He looks and grins at Connie "Oh, it's by the band the moonlighters... I think they are actually a show in town soon." Then Jennifer grins "Oh really? Rupert loves music!" Jared was talking to Rupert, Connie and Jennifer which seems to be hours cause he didn't had customers except for them when he saw Veronica looking around for something so he realized what she was looking for so he turn to call her. "By the way, Veronica..." when she heard Jared call her name she looks up from a trash can she was searching. "I'm not doing anything weird."

He smiled at her "if your looking for the next clue Beatrice came in here earlier and gave me clues she said people will be coming looking for them." Jared handed a scroll In ribbon to Jennifer. Then Jennifer smiled and looked at him "Thanks, Jared! All right, team, let's see where we are going next..." Jennifer untie the scroll and flatten it out on the table. 'Fear not that you've gone astray, the next clue is just a click away," then Veronica started looking sad "What that supposed to mean?" They all thought hard then Jennifer started smiling "I got it the next clue is... somewhere in the computer lab! The next clue is only a click away... like a mouse click!" Then Connie grins "Oh, that must be it! Maybe it's on one of the computers or something!" Then Veronica who had a crush on Jennifer since she met her got a bigger grin. "You're pretty smart, huh, Jennifer?" That made Jennifer smiled more "I try." So they started walking to the computer lab once they arrived at the campus computer lab they find Morgan and some of his gamer friends seated at a cluster of computers, there screens glowing with digital warfare. Jennifer looks a little shock seeing them here so early so she looks at them. "Hey, guys, mind if we interrupt?"

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