Alpha and Omega

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"I will eat just not with you." Naruto spat not bothering to glance at the raven.

He failed to see the pained expression the raven hardly ever showed basically showing any expression was rare for him, but when he was with Naruto he didn’t care. He walked over to his dresser slipping on black pants along with a dark blue long sleeved shirt.

"I'll tell the maid to bring you something to eat." Sasuke informed waiting with a hand on the doorknob for a reply from the blond.

He mentally sighed not hearing one, but opened the door to close it softly behind him. The blond shut his eyelids tightly letting a pained expression show. It really hurt him being so cruel to the raven, Sasuke was different from any person he's meant. The raven wasn’t cruel with him he was very over protective, and he never forced himself on him or made him ever uncomfortable, but still he was unhappy he wanted to be home. It pained him more that he desperately wanted to at least thank the raven for saving him, but he didn’t. This mating ritual that was common for an omega like him, was something he wasn’t ready for, and it scared him deeply. Naruto just wanted to be free, and home exploring the village or the woods like he used to, but it all changed when the ravens choose him as his future mate. It wasn’t natural to go against the prince ever, but again the blond didn’t care he showed he wasn’t one to mess with.

"Sasuke what would you like for dinner?" Mikoto asked with the cooking maid next to her.

"Nothing, I'm not hungry make sure you make some food for Naruto that he would like to eat." The raven ordered passing the two women with a blank expression.

On the inside he felt guilty for making the blond feel so trapped, but he couldn’t help it just the thought of Naruto being taken by someone else made his blood boil.

"Something wrong little brother?" Itachi asked with Deidara his mate by his side.

Just seeing the view of his older brother happy with his mate sent a mental frown, but at the same time a happy one for his brothers happiness.

"Everything is fine just going to go out for a bit." He informed passing by the two who gave each other a worried expression.

The raven went through the castles doors taking a path to where the horses were settled. He walked into the horses pin dismissing the workers who were grooming the horses. He reached his noble stead one that grew up with him.

"Yoru." (Night) The raven called softly to his noble horse.

Yoru was pitch black hence why he called him Yoru (Night). Yoru was dark like the night, but glowed like the stars. He had dark onyx eyes that would somehow stare into your soul.

Yoru snorted gently nudging the ravens cheek.

"I'm fine Yoru." He reassured moving his hands to pet the horses muzzle.

Yoru snorted in reply moving away from the ravens touch.

"Okay, fine if I tell you well you at least let me pet you." Sasuke suggested getting a slide glance from the raven horse. He snorted lightly sounding more like a scoff. He leaned over his caged fence letting the raven pet him.

Sasuke glanced at the twitching ears Yuro was doing on purpose telling him he wanted to hear what was wrong.

The raven sighed "Its strange how I fell in love with Naruto, so quickly its been three months I don’t see a spark of happiness in him…like I used to see him in the village. To Naruto he probably thinks that I first saw him when we bumped into each other, but we both know it was way before that." He poured out to the raven horse.

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