Alpha and Omega

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A bright gold small fox ran rapidly through the woods, his small paw marks were replaced by larger ones, as he was being chased. His bright blue eyes glanced back getting a whimper from the small fox, as the other grew closer. He stopped in his tracks meeting a cliff he turned instantly, but was stopped by a large black panther.

He whimpered steeping back only for his last paw to slip slightly. The fox glanced down at the cliff then back at the panther that was licking his fangs in hunger. The fox whimpered shrinking down, as the panther crawled closer. The fox shut his eyelids nostrils flaring from the panthers hot breath that growled against the small fox. His bright nine tails curled down in fright legs trembling feeling like jelly. The bright fox eyelids snapped open hearing a painful cry.

His eyes met a dark black wolf sunk its fangs into the panthers neck causing a loud cry in pain. The wolf released the panther being left with blood stained bright white teeth. The panther growled at the wolf who was snarling with a protective stance before the small fox. The panther gave a quick growl, before it took of into the woods. The wolfs stance fell turning over to meet the small fox whos bright yellow ears fell with its tails slouching down. The fox hesitated to meet the wolfs onyx eyes glare, but didn’t matter when the wolf snatch the small foxes two tails lightly holding him up. He whimpered, as he dangled in the wolfs grasp. The wolf followed the familiar path to the bright white castle just before the woods.

The wolf showed up at the black gates getting bows from the guards, before the gates shut closed. The dark wolf passed through the castled door earning an amused chuckle from a older similar look alike wolf. He growled at the older wolf, before he took the small fox into the room. The wolf jumped atop the bed dropping the fox harshly on the bed earning a light growl with a small pout. The wolf sat with a groaning growl, before he licked the foxes cheeks lightly making the fox flinch.

The fox growled lightly jumping off the bed to cover himself under a bright orange robe.

"Would you stop looking at me like that!" Naruto pouted once he transformed into his human form completely covering his body with the robe.

The wolf growled hopping of the bed to be a feet next to the blond. The blond took a step back seeing the other transform much muscular, and taller then him.

"I wouldn't be looking at you like that, if you had followed my orders." Sasuke growled.

"Not only did you disobey me, but you almost got yourself killed." The raven added with a angry glare.

"Well, I didn’t okay, and w-would you p-put some clothes o-on." Naruto spat with whiskered flushed cheeks.

"Hm? To embarrassed to admit you like what you see" Sasuke teased with a smirk.

"In your dreams teme." Naruto spat with a dismissing hand turning to face the railing white doors that were wide opening exposing the world.

The blond sighed life right now was not going good he missed his small village with his friends. He would be home right now if it wasn’t for a certain raven who wanted him, as his mate.

They had met just from the blond bumping into him making him drop his book he had visited the village to buy. Of course the raven would have been pissed, but when he meet those bright blue eyes his heart melted just like his non existing anger. The ravens eyes soften at the blonds depressed expression he knew he was doing wrong by taking the blond with him, but he couldn't help himself Naruto was the most beautiful being he has ever laid eyes on. The raven casted his eyes on the sun that was slowly settling down.

"Its almost dinner time would you like to eat?" The raven asked.

"No." He answered.

"But, you hardly ate the whole day." The raven added taking a step toward the blond.

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