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I changed this one just a tiny bit mostly the food part because I thought it looked cute from Deadpool but y'all didn't like it lmao 😂 well some did but mostly everyone said it was gross so yeah lmao 😆

The day was cold, cloudy due to the winter season coming close to an end, as well. Even though the day was cold, and windy it was Thanksgiving day, and a blond from the leaf village was setting up dinner for his guest. Naruto smiled happily as he saw the large, yet long table he rented for the day organized with food. The turkey laid in the middle of the table with its glowing brown coating. Four orange, red, yellow, and brown bows surrounded the turkey. The orange bowl had stuffing, the red had white rice , the yellow one had corn, and the brown one had salad. Naruto blue eyes glistened ,while his whiskered cheeks and smile glowed. After all this was his first thanksgiving with everyone in his home they usually had it at Sakura's house, or Ino's, but this year he thought he could have it here. Maybe, just maybe his home wont feel that lonely anymore, he grew out of that unorganized habit of being messing, simply because he kept drinking spoiled milk, and tripping over everything.

His smiled frowned knowing that a certain someone that was dear to his heart would miss another holiday. Sasuke Uchiha his first bond, and best friend was never home. Ever, since after the war he's been here and there, but never put. He always made sure to save a plate for the raven just incase he will come home, but he always had to throw it away, since Sasuke came home when it has been months expired. Sasuke never came by so he didn’t know why he always saved a plate for the raven, since he thought he would never think about coming to his home, and probably over to Sakura's. He really did feel alone, as everyone was finding their partners, and yet here he was 20 years old, and alone. Sakura was alone, but he knew she would always love Sasuke and one day he will too, he furrowed his eyebrows ignoring the pain in his heart. After all how can he tell his guy bestfriend he has deep feelings for him. Would it be right? Of course not what kind of friend would he be, if he confessed knowing his Sakura now his closets friend had the same feeling. Besides who would ever love him he knew Sasuke would never have the same feeling. Naruto knew it was silly to be thinking of stuff, as relationships where they were Ninjas, and could die any second, yet he couldn't help the thought of being was someone always ran through his mind.

'Will I feel alone anymore?" Was his number one question.

He, also wondered, if Sasuke felt the same empty whole in his heart. Deep inside his kind, bright heart he knew that the raven was doing what he was doing to get his trust back from the villagers, and hokage plus finding clues for Kaguyas followers trying to bring her back again.

Ding Dong!

Naruto snapped his thoughts out of his head, as he ran to his door opening reviling his many guest.

"Hey guys Happy Thanksgiving!" Naruto greeted, and cheered happily, as his white teeth glistened.

The blond stared in awe at the happy pairs at his front door seeing their aura glisten. Kiba with Hinata, Sai and Ino, Shikamaru and Temari, Ten Ten and Shino were together surprisingly Ten Ten says that Shino is a big softy and sweet heart, but doesn’t like to show it other then with her. Gaara and Neji got together a while back, but didn’t say a word, because they would be judged, but everyone reassured that it was okay they are still the same person, it doesn’t change them in anyway. They all entered greet Naruto and wishing him, a Happy Thanksgiving, but at the very end of the couples stood a pinkette who was glancing around, as if she were expecting someone. Narutos blue orbs soften at Sakura, as she glanced around he knew who she was looking for, but knew as well he wasn’t coming like always.

"Sakura." Naruto called.

She smiled at him, and greeted him with a soft hug. They separated, as she smiled brightly.

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