Anniversary present

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Hi loves for those who don't know I'm reposting these one shot since Wattpad deleted them!

Naruto was currently home setting the table ready. Today was his, and Sasuke's third anniversary, he gentle placed two white plates on top the square, dark brown wood table. He smiled happily, as he brought the red pan over gently using chopsticks to pinch some rice balls on the side of the white plate. His orange diamond ring glisten from the glowing droplet shape fire atop the two candles in the middle of the table. He ran back to the kitchen to grab the pan with his grilled chicken breast. Naruto eyes brighten, as he placed them perfectly next to the rice balls on the two plates. He quickly glanced at the clock to see it was 6:30 he gasped, almost dropping the pan.

"Sasuke going to be home in thirty minutes.!" Naruto panicked running to grab two small bows, and a red pot he poured carefully tomato soup into the two white small bowls.

Naruto placed them quickly on the side of the two plates, as he ran to grab to whine glasses, and a jug of whine, and water. He poured the red whine in Sasuke cup then poured water into his. He ran back into the kitchen placing the drinks down. His blue orbs studied very quickly the view of the table.

"Food, napkins, utensils, drinks." He double checked eyes glowing with happiness while, his smile glisten.

"Ah!" He yelled grabbing serving plate top to cover the food to prevent it from getting cold.

The blond quickly ran upstairs into their room to pick out his white tux's. He slipped on the white pants then his long sleeved button up shirt. He tucked in the button up shirt, then placed over the silky white vest which went under his white suit jacket. He fixed his white tie with a bright smile seeing his reflection. His tan fingers flowed through his blond locks, before he ran downstairs smiling when he heard the lock to the door click, he couldn’t. He smiled more seeing his husband beautiful onyx eyes widen in shock, he watch those dark eyes he deeply love trail the dark blue, and orange rose petals spread around the floor. He finally, looked up to meet his blue eyes, and Naruto couldn’t help, but bite his lip loving the way his husband looked, so sexy in his black work suit. He, also loved the surprised raven who wasn’t expecting anything today since, he wanted to work more to get a week off to celebrate their anniversary in Hawaii where Naruto wanted to travel.

"Happy third anniversary Sasuke." Naruto cheered happily.

He's heart raced more seeing his raven look him up, and down, before he approached him. The ravens strong toned arms entangled themselves around his blond bringing him into a kiss.

Tan arms wrapped themselves around the ravens neck embracing the other soft, warm lips. Their lips moved in sync against each other tasting, and savoring the others flavor. Their lips connected like two puzzle pieces that stuck together in order not to break.

"Mhm!" Naruto moaned feeling his husbands hot, moist tongue trail along his bottom lip.

Naruto slightly opened his mouth letting the raven taste him fully. His body shivered feeling Sasuke tongue glide along his wrapping themselves together.

"Mhm!" Naruto whimpered loving the way Sasuke tugged, and sucked on his tongue.

The two husbands broke the kiss panting from their abused lips.

"Happy anniversary." Sasuke smiled.

He gave Naruto a slow loving kiss.

"You, always taste, so sweet." Sasuke groaned.

Naruto cheeks flushed pink, no matter how long he's been with Sasuke he always knew how to tease him, and pull the cords of his heart. He looked up at his raven with his big blue eyes that, always melted the ravens heart.

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