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hello, everyone! i'm sorry it took so long to post! but i'm back with a tres cool chapter. at least i think it is lol. enjoy and have a good day! <3

Chapter 10 - Unwanted

Lexi decided that she would have to add looking for a chiropractor to her to-do list, because sleeping on that couch did a number to her back. Seriously, aren't sofas supposed to be comfortable? She felt like she slept on cardboard.

She moved like the tin man to go check on Bonnie and Stefan.

The night before, after the happy couple cried for twenty minutes in each other's arms, Lexi decided to be the adult of the group and tell them to go to bed since they had school in the morning.

Grams was called, so she knew that Bonnie was safe and sound. Lily already knew Stefan was there, but she expected him to be home after school. She allowed him one night away from his family, but she wouldn't let him hide forever.

The reason Lexi was sleeping on the couch was because she, being the martyr she was, let Stefan and Bonnie sleep in her bed for the night. Stef had had a rough day and he didn't deserve to sleep on the couch from hell. And Bon refused to leave his side, so they were kind of a package deal.

Lexi, of course, didn't know how uncomfortable the linen couch from Pottery Barn would be to sleep on, but she sucked it up. She was happy to provide a nice sleep for her best friend and his girlfriend. Unless they had sex on her bed. Then she would kill them.

She knocked on the door to the bedroom. "Stef, Bon? You guys awake?"

When they didn't answer, she crossed her fingers, praying they were fully clothed, and opened the door.

She sighed a breath of relief when she saw them cuddled up, fast asleep, wearing enough clothes not to allude to something. Thank god she wouldn't have to burn her sheets.

She smiled at the way they were snuggling. Bonnie's head was buried in Stefan's chest and his arms were gripping her tightly. Bonnie's arms were wrapped around his torso and her legs were wrapped around his waist. They looked like they were squeezing the hell out of each other - probably scared that the other would get up and go in the middle of the night. Lexi wondered if they always slept like that or if it was because of the previous night's happenings.

Maybe she was staring too loudly, because the lovebirds began to stir and they finally woke up.

"Guys, I'm going to start making some breakfast. You have a couple hours until you have to leave for school so you have time to get ready." She smiled at them one last time and closed the door behind her.

Bonnie and Stefan looked at each other and grinned fondly. The weight of the previous day came crashing down on them and their smiles dimmed but only a bit.

Bonnie was sure she had horrendous morning breath when Stefan kissed her passionately but he didn't seem to care, so she didn't either.

"Let's get up." He whispered in her ear and left another kiss to her cheek.

She bit her lip and fought the urge to touch the burning spot on her cheek that he had kissed.

He got dressed in a few things he left there last time he stayed and she was forced into a dress that belonged to Lexi. ("You look so cute!" Lexi cooed, making the scowling Bonnie do another 360 turn).

The dress itself was very cute, but it was really low cut which was causing Bonnie all kinds of trouble that morning. Stefan accidentally poured hot coffee on himself when he saw her boobs in that dress.

The trio ate breakfast together at Lexi's round kitchen table, the mood lightening a bit. Stefan was in a surprisingly good place - they spent breakfast engaging in light and happy conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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