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here's the prologue! bonnie's a bit OOC, but it's kind of important for the story. enjoy!


"Bonnie, come on!" Caroline groaned from the other side of the door.

"It won't be the same without you!" Elena added from next to Caroline.

"I said no! Reruns of Glee are on all day tomorrow, and in my humble opinion that is a hundred times more important than some party!" Bonnie replied.

Bonnie Bennett was currently lounging on her full sized bed, picking at her nails as two of her best friends tried their damn hardest to convince her to go to The Last Splash, an end of summer celebration party that would be taking place the next day.

Caroline had come up with the idea for it when Bonnie forced her to watch Aquamarine . Bad decision, Bonnie.

"Please, Bon? We're going into Senior year! We need to experience things! Besides, some of the guys from Whitmore High are coming and we're probably gonna go to college with them! You can't make a good impression if you're not there!" Caroline whined.

"Just because I'll actually be at home watching Glee doesn't mean I won't be with you in spirit!"

"Bonnie, we all know your spirit will be with Quinn Fabray the second you see her." Elena pointed out. She was right, Bonnie had a soft spot for the blonde.

Bonnie didn't answer.

"You know she's right." Caroline agreed. "Now, let us in."

Bonnie groaned and dragged her feet to the door, mumbling a string of profanities.

"There's your beautiful face!" Caroline smiled.

Bonnie shot her a sarcastic smile. "Don't try to butter me up, Forbes."

"Back to the bed." Elena said, pushing her friends towards it.

They all landed on the bed, snuggling up. Bonnie was in her place between them, with Caroline to her left and Elena to her right.

Bonnie loved her friends more than anything, but she would do anything to get out of going to that party. She normally could deal with the parties (pretty much all of her friends were extroverted, so she didn't really have a choice), but this specific one was going to go badly. She just knew it.

Bonnie wasn't superstitious or anything, or maybe she was, she couldn't really tell. Her grandmother definitely was, and that made her doubt. If Grams was so sure about this supernatural stuff, it could be true.

Grams was her sole guardian after her mom left to start a new family in Wisconsin and her dad chose to move to Chicago part time.

Grams was a quirky old woman. She had a thing for witchy stuff. Grams owned an apothecary in Town Square; 'Sheila's Enchantments'. It was full of crystals and tarot cards. People called it 'The Little Witch Shop', which resulted in kids in school calling her 'Little Witch'. It was great (note the sarcasm).

Bonnie liked to pretend that her Grandmother's superstitions were a silly hoax, but sometimes they had her creeped out. She'd learned to always follow her gut instinct, and she had a horrible feeling about The Last Splash.

"Just because I let you in doesn't mean I'm going to The Splash." Bonnie said with a sigh.

Caroline snuggled closer. "We can be very persuasive if we have to."

And they were. The next day at 4 PM, Bonnie found herself grumpily answering the door for Elena and Caroline, who were holding three dresses, two makeup kits and a butt load of hair supplies.

On the bright side I'll see what my bad feeling was about, she thought as her friends stepped inside.

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