He pushed me inside, making me fall hard on my knees, which instantly created bruises over them.

"Will he also rape me?" my mind questioned.

He started coming closer, I was quivering. The more step he take, the more I take backward till I was at the edge of the way and I couldn't move any longer.

Pictures of my rape scene replayed in my head and I couldn't help but plead "Don't rape me please".

With my closed and my palm folded, I kept repeating those words.

He came very closer and pulled me up from the floor with my back now resting on the wall and his hand across my shoulder. I stared at his eyes, it was now calm, looking teary, his hair was tattered and his shirt rumpled, and the cut I inflicted on him was now treated and plastered. It seemed as though he got into a fight with someone.

Our eyes did the work of our mouth. We kept staring at each other, eyeball to eyeball. 

"𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒂𝒍𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔" my eyes gave him the signal and he understood at an instance.

"Do you think I'm that bad that I'll think of raping you?" he said breaking the awkward silence.

I kept mute ignoring his question and staring deep into his eyes, to me it seems I was reading him through his eyes. I find the eyes so loving and passionate. There is this burning feeling of love I feel when I stare at them.

"Do you know Robbie?" he asked disrupting my thoughts.

"Erm... No... Yes... I mean not really" I stammered.

"Who's he to you?" he asked rather calmly.

"He said he's your friend," I muttered.

"Don't lie to me, are you dating him" he questioned, his voice getting intense at every word he drops.

Dating him? Someone who just chatted with me yesterday, I haven't even met him and Dean is here asking if we are dating. Fuck! Is that how cheap he thinks of me. 

The question was supposed to be funny, right?

"No... "I said laughing.

He removed his hand across my shoulder, folding his right palm, he punched the wall hard and it cracked. Instead of feeling relief, I suddenly felt so scared. 

Damn! He just cracked a wall with his hands. What kind of a beast is he?

"Do you think I'm here to joke?" he growled, "you need to tell me the truth, it's not some sort of a joke".

I felt the urge to shout back at him, he doesn't have the right to question me not after all the embarrassment and making me a laughing stock."

We are not dating and even if we are, it shouldn't be your concern" I shouted back at him.

He moved closer again and my fear arouse, maybe I shouldn't have shouted at him that way.

"It's my concern because I..." 

He couldn't complete his statement as he locked his lips with mine. I was shocked.

I pushed him away and with all the strength in my, I slapped him out of my way running as fast as my legs could carry. I never bothered looking back to see if he was after me. 

I met Annie, sassy, and Jane still waiting for me at the cafeteria. When the trio saw me coming, they stood up and rushed to me. I knew they were going to ask what happened but I wasn't ready to answer anyone. 

"Annie, my bag, I'll be on my way home now," I said panting heavily.

"Why?" They chorused.

"Questions can come in later, for now, I need to be alone and home is the best option," I said.

"You sure you're okay," Sassy asked looking worried.

"I will be fine" 

I snatched my bag from Annie who refused to give it to me and turned to leave

"A guy came looking for you," Annie announced

"I don't care who it is, tell him I'm not interested in guys if he dares come back," I said walking away.



More chapters coming in soon...


The group of girls who turned out to be Allie's enemy!!!

The unexpected kiss and the slap!!!

And now another guy!!!

I hope my Allie is safe

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