14: caecae

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day: 17

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day: 17


"Jung Chaewol..."

"I'm sorry, Sunoo. Let's talk next time. I need to go now." Chaewol put his hand off from her and immediately left Sunoo in the hallway but he didn't give up, fastened his steps just to chase for her.

"Chaewol, what are you hiding from me?"
He spoke up causing everyone to look at him in confusion. Chaewol kept walking and pressed the elevator button to go downstairs.

"Jung Chaewol-" He was about to grab her hand but she already shut the door and lost from his sight.

He sighed, brushing his hair out of his face and pressing the button, waiting for the elevator to reach. Sunoo felt so numb. He was supposed to take care of Saebyeol who got sick but now, he was here, standing in front of the elevator just to chase for Chaewol. He had no idea why he was so worried about that girl. he know he wasn't supposed to be that way but after listening to their conversation, he wanted to hear the explanation from her. he want to know everything.

"Jung Chaewol, what are you hiding from me?"


After a few hours to take care of Saebyeol, Sunoo finally went home by taxi. He was zoning out, looking at the sky without saying anything ever since Chaewol left him hanging earlier. He looked down while letting out a heavy sighed and looked at the watch. It was 9 pm where Chaewol would always be at the playground, waiting for him on the slide.
Sunoo immediately asked the driver to stop nearby the playground and paid for the fee before getting out of the car.

He looked around the place, searching for Chaewol, and walked around the playground. He went to her favorite swing and slide but she wasn't there this time. He looked into the slide, wondering if she is sleeping but again, she wasn't there.

Sunoo shuts his eyes and went to the bench to take a rest. His eyes widened when a puppy suddenly bit his pants, pulled him like the puppy was telling him to go somewhere with her. Sunoo looked at the puppy in confusion,

"Why?" He asked the puppy.

The puppy sat in front of him with her eyes fixed on him and after a split a second, she jumped on his lap. She leaned her head closer to his chest, licking his face causing Sunoo to laugh because it tickles him. He then caressed her gently,
"Are you lost? Where is your owner?"

The puppy leaned closer to him as she was comfortable being with him.

"Good puppy."

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