46: that man

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For the first time in 13 years of the miserable marriage Zheng Chi disobeyed his husband and ran away from home though not for long since he can't abandon his children he just needs some time for himself about a day or 2 to build himself back.

The general had done him barely stopping his body was fatigued and worn out he ran to the old forest he and his mother once lived in he was an illegitimate child the only reason he was allowed to marry the general was because the Madam like his mother and wanted a good future for him.

But after his marriage when he met the general he found got a heart attack his last words were his very sorry and that Zheng Chi will suffer in the future.

Zheng Chi didn't understand and thought he was cursing him but in truth it was his grandmother's foresight.

Note: his grandmother was a ger so instead of saying grandfather he said grandmother

Walking down the riverbank he saw a very beautiful man under the cherry blossom

Walking down the riverbank he saw a very beautiful man under the cherry blossom

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The man was fishing then he spoke.

"Sorry weak one but there isn't much fishes to share" he said

Zheng Chi looked at the side and saw an whole basket filled with fishes then his tummy grumbles he was hungry.

"I'll just catch some then" he said turning away

Soon he lifted up the hedge of his hanfu and walked into the water the man sit at the bank with his hand stretched at his knees and relaxed he smiled then took out a bottle of fine high grade wine.

Zheng looked over at the man who was well relaxed watching him as if he were entertainment, Zheng looked away then focuses on catching the fishes but to his dismay they were quite the slippery creatures this lead the man to laughed at his failure.

Zheng Chi's tummy grumbles louder and the laughing man stop,

"I see your life is prone to be unfortunate your fate is very sour and bitter Hmp but there is one lucky thing that happened to you"

Zheng Chi stand up straight and looked at him.



Zheng Chi didn't understand this man who was he and what was he doing in this forest.

"How about we make a deal I'll share my fish and wine if you cook and tell me a story I'll also protect you from the beast that lurks here" the man offered.

Zheng Chi didn't know this man but he nods in agreement and night calm down then.

Zheng Chi found this man to very gluttonous while he was filled from 2 mere fishes this man ate the whole basket of fishes.

"Well this small amount will do for now"

He looked looked at Zheng Chi and poured him a cup of his high quality wine then started to drink from the bottle.

"So weak one tell me a story" he smiled

Zheng Chi took the wine and took a sip feeling already light head.

"It's just as you said Mr my life is but unfortunate"

(You poor unfortunate soul 😂 I always wanted to do that)

"I was engaged to a man who didn't like rob of my virtue in a dusty book room humiliated everyday in my own home I watched strangers hurt my children and could do nothing I had to watch my husband make sweet love to another constantly, after that I was constantly taken by my husband with no break and now I'll probably have to return home" he cried.

"I see what a sorrowful story then how about this for the delicious fish and the great patient I'll help you" the man said

"The only way you can help me is if you marry me" Zheng Chi said dozy

"Fine but excuse me if I'm not use your custom I'm new here" he said

Soon Zheng dozed off dropping asleep the man continue to drink as he watched Zheng Chi sleeps through the night.

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