15: the misunderstood Emperor

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The emperor entered the room as everyone kowtow he raised his hand as the servants raised and leave, the emperor looked at the mad who looked as though he could kill him any second he sit before him as the eunuch pours tea.

"Did Zhen offended father in law" he said coldly

The man furrow and frown clear as day his heart was in turmoil.

"Your imperial majesty this man is indeed angry very angry" he said in an calm tone

"What did Zhen do Zhen wants to know"

The marquis clenched his fists and swallow to not cough blood,

"This marquis heard during the time the emperor was sick you did not visit him how can this man not be angry even when he was busy he visited, your imperial majesty this man's son is very precious to him" the marquis Ning said not bothering to be polite.

The emperor's eyebrows furrow upset even now his expression did not change and stayed cold,

"He didn't call for me" the emperor said almost as though he was sad and pouting but his face was unfazed.

The marquis Ning expression resembles that of a dead fish,


"Empress didn't call for me"

The marquis Ning held his temple he was angry and yet not angry at the same time.

"You didn't visit you because he didn't call you"

The emperor nod once, the marquis coughed blood, was this a joke what is this who was the emperor and who was the empress.

"Why didn't you just visit him"

The emperor look down and gently held his head down and seems to be thinking deeply atlease that's what the marquis can tell, he looked up in the marquis eyes intensely leaving the marquis on hedge as what the answer could be.

"I don't want him to be angry"

The marquis coughed blood never had he had he heard something so ridiculous in all his life, who's angry his son who love this bastard enough so he would tolerate his bastard just to stay with him, even if he would be angry what can he do he was the emperor this of bull.

"Your imperial majesty my son would never" the marquis said "you must visit him"

The emperor shake

"He is angry he will yell at Zhen"

The marquis felt like the heavens were parting in two, this was something in his old he couldn't deal with this emperor was a mystery who would think the one whose face never changed expression and voice is ever cold would be pretty soft hearted.

The marquis wanted a break from this strange emperor, the emperor does not care about the empress bullshit, the empress even insulted the empress dowger infront of everyone in a large banquet and he didn't so much as yell at him for doing so, even he his father was angry but the emperor no one believe him if he told them that the emperor said he was just playing and being cute.

"I'm not gonna pry into this anymore this man feels like he lost ten years" he said "anyway why are you here?" The marquis asked

"Zhen believes that the empress has been poisoned" the emperor said unfazed

The marquis didn't look surprised as if he already knew instead he puts his hands in his sleeves and sigh.

"Did father in law already knew" he said unfazed,

When the marquis did not say anything the emperor continued

"So it has been from the marquis house hold after all" he said

The marquis sighed defeated.

"It was done by Yuan" the marquis declared

Even if it was not shown the emperor was indeed surprised how could a dead woman poison his empress.

"It was 8 years ago after the discovery of your elopement with yuan" the marquis said

The emperor's interest was peaked, how could something that has happened that long ago affect him (Ning jie) now, and what kind of poison did he used after it was not only jie had that poison Jianyu as well and even if it's now affecting him now it will soon he will not allow jie to die atlease not before him.

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