7 | Making Sacrifices

Start from the beginning

"I already gave you a heads up. Please do not embarrass me in front of Sir Nighteye just like in my vision-"

"Wait, what did we do!?" My dad suddenly asked with worry wracking his entire being. Sweat bead down his forehead and he seemed to pale in the face.

"You stuttered and said "nice to meet you Mr. Otani I'm Sir Nighteye" and mom you simply froze and said "good afternoon" when he greeted you," I cringed at the thought.

It was 9 AM by the way.

My parents also cringed at my claim and immediately snapped themselves out of their nervous state by pinching or slapping themselves lightly. I giggled at their antics and watched as they faced each other with determination in their eyes.

"We are not going to embarrass ourselves," they said in unison before turning to me and exhaling calmly through their mouths.

I contained my laugh by biting my lip, and then I noticed a familiar raven head of hair approaching us from the entrance and smiled brightly.

"Aunty Midnight!" I ran past my parents and threw myself at her.

"Honey bunny!" She greeted while catching me and swinging me around.

When she placed me back on my feet, my parents caught up to us and said quick and warm hello's. She returned them and then asked us to put on some security passes she had in her hand to enter the school. We complied and once we were ready, she smiled and turned on her heel asking us to follow.

"Now, I'm sure Rini already spoiled who I'm going to introduce you to-"

"Yeah I did," I said sheepishly.

"Of course you did, you got that amazing quirk of yours," she smiled down at me and quickly pinched my cheek playfully.

I pretended to be annoyed and swatted at her hand, only causing her to laugh.

"As I was saying, the man's got a cold exterior but he's a big softie. He seems mean but don't let that fool you. . . So just WOW the socks off him honey bunny like I know you can."

I gave a confident nod while clenching my fists. My aunt was right, he did come off as cold and uncaring but the Pro Hero had a heart. And if he is anything like what I saw in my vision, he was going to be left speechless by my ability.

As we walked through the empty huge halls, I felt a sense of familiarity. It was once again the echoes of my future reminding me that someday I'd wander these halls again as a Hero Course student.

I smiled to myself at the thought.

After taking a few turns and a short elevator ride, we finally reached the meeting room which happened to be Principal Nezu's office. My aunty Midnight looked back at us briefly to shine a reassuring smile, then she took hold of the copper colored doorknob and slowly swung open the large door.

And the second she stepped to the side, I saw the number one Hero's sidekick sitting distinguished on one of the couches.

The office was relatively small, the couches and coffee table were the first thing you meet when you enter. And he sat on the couch facing the door so it was hard to miss him.

He wore his usual grey button down suit with a green and yellow tie. His similar colored hair slicked back rather smoothly. His glasses rested on the bridge of his sharp nose and shielded his yellow eyes that were currently looking down at a file in his hand.

Suddenly, he looked up to acknowledge our presence and briefly study us while we entered. He glanced between my aunty Midnight, then my parents, and finally landed his sharp gaze on me. He scanned me up and down with a quizzical look then he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose and hid his gaze behind those glared lenses.

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