chapter 2

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Your pov:

Mine alarm woke me up like every morning I had to get ready for mine teachers and student job okay let me tell you this.

I am teacher at 5,8 and 7th grade on Athermist ["Artemist"] Academy but I am also a studen at school for normal people at Madrid in Spain and yes I speak Spanish I am transparent student

"Sombra! Vamos, despierta" mine aunt wake me up
(Shadow c'mon woke up)

"Ya voy tía, ¡Dame unos malditos 5 minutos!" I yelled back
(I'm coming auntie, just give me a fucking 5 minutes!"

We are actually from Spain we were born there with mine bro

-To breakfast-

"So u ready for today Sombra? Tinieblas Eternas? U ready to see your friends that think you're death?" Auntie said

"No sè I guess it should be fine tía I am scared mine padre adoptivo what he will say" i said little scared

-skip to the base-

"Miss Night report to the office with teams Zero and Omega" said speaker I looked at Ashby and Violet

We go to the office and I saw them all standing there autobots, Padre and Epps

I walked in without emotions "Athermist miss you wanted to see us?"

"Zero, Omega i want you to send someone to make tour of this academy and then you will take them to base, oh and they will be staying at yours and Alfas Base understand?" Aunt said

"Yeah Madam" i said I know she hates when I call her Madam

"¡Sombra! Deja de llamarme señora! Tengo solo 3 mil millones de años en human ¡Tengo 35 años! ¡Ahora elige un miembro de cada equipo!" She yelled at me

The autobots and Lennox with Epps froze because I just disrespect mine commander? I think they this she is


I turned to our guests "Oh and by the way you really didn't recognize me wow I am Alexandra Lennox or now Shadow Night Leader of team Zero the most powerful being in the universe or galaxy" i said

"XANDRA? but you're death!?" Dad said

"well I am gonna tell you everything later Mars! Vera! Give our guest tour i have to teach 5th grade about our history" i said and turned around to quests "well bye see you later"

AN: ok this is short but yeah

AN: ok this is short but yeah

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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