Bruised hearts and scared minds pt 2.

Start from the beginning

"Eda, when that day I saw you wearing this wedding dress, my heart palpitated. My heart beat rose because you looked damn beautiful, gorgeous. And the first thing I did going down was to secretly ask the designer that I was buying this dress. My heart had taken over any logic that I had and I couldn't stop myself from getting hands on this dress. I think that was the day I had actually realised that I had fallen in love with you again. So I kept it. I kept it with me and wanted to give it you when we get married. I hope you like it. Otherwise we can buy some other dress as per your liking tomorrow." He said smiling and looking at Eda who was crying now.
She immediately leaned in to hug him and settled herself on his lap.
"I love you Serkan so much. I love this dress. You know what when I wore this dress that day for trial, I loved it so much. And that's why I didn't chose it for my fake marriage to Deniz because I only wanted to wear it in front of you on our marriage. I didn't want anybody else to see me in this. I felt like.. like if I ever get married to you, I would wear this only then. Thank you for saving this for us.. I.. I love you so much." She said hugging him tightly.
"Eda. I love you too."
"Uhh huh Baby?" He said caressing her hair.
"How will we get married tomorrow? I mean we did take an instant decision but there are a lot of preparations to be done, how will it be possible?"
She asked looking at him worriedly.
"Eda, it will all be done. Don't worry. Leave it on me. You know I won't mind getting married to you in the court. At the marriage registration office." He said smiling and something struck Eda's mind. She grinned at Serkan and spoke.
"Serkan. Let's get married at the registration office. Let's do that."

Serkan was beyond surprised to listen to this but this instant decision was definitely Eda like.
"Eda, my mother is going to go crazy if she hears this."
"Serkan, please. It's our marriage. Let's keep it simple, only our family and a few friends at our court marriage and then maybe we can throw a party later when we come back from our honeymoon. And also, we have less than 12 hours to plan that wedding. Let's do it this way. Please Serkan."
Serkan knew Eda loved simplicity over pomp and show. So he agreed. He nodded and Eda excitingly kissed him.
"Thankyou Serkan. I love you so much." She said yawning and Serkan chuckled.
"You are sleepy. Come on, let's sleep. We do need rest, especially you Eda."
"I am too sleepy Serkan." She said and leaned down on him and her eyes drooped close as he adjusted himself better on the couch and pulled a blanket over them and caressed her to sleep.
The next morning Eda woke up in the home office and realised that they had slept there only but she was alone. Serkan wasn't anywhere in site. She quickly looked around and saw him out making breakfast. The sun had risen and she was wondering till how late she slept. She stepped out of the room and went directly to the kitchen hugging him from behind.
"Good morning Eda."
She just hummed and kept kissing his neck from behind.
"Eda, we have a long day today my love and if you start with this, we are never going to reach the marriage office baby!" He said chuckling and turning in her arms and facing her.
"Eda..Eda baby stop. I..." He said as her hands reached the hem of his sweatshirt and tugging it up.
"Shut up Serkan. Don't stop me. I have missed doing this," She said keeping one finger on his mouth as she pushed his sweatshirt up and away from his chest and Serkan raised his hands to help Eda remove it. Even though he was enjoying it, he really wanted Eda to stop because he knew if didn't, Eda would kill him really soon. And Eda was literally kissing his nipples now eliciting pleasurable moans from him. And it happened. As Eda was busy devouring his muscular chest, they heard somebody literally choking and Eda stopped dead in her tracks.
She peaked to her left a little as Serkan also turned his head around embarrassed and blushed. They could literally see three other people looking anywhere but them. Aydan, Ayfer and Seyfi, and it was Aydan who had choked on her coffee as she came from her house across the garden to her son's house sipping on her morning coffee.
Eda looked back at Serkan who was embarrassed as well and Eda quickly moved back blushing giving him space to move a little and wear his sweatshirt again. Serkan chuckled seeing Eda blushing and all shy now as compared to her boldness just 2 minutes ago.
They went out of the kitchen, Eda following behind Serkan and her head down not being able to meet the other three people standing across the porch. It was Serkan who decided to break the ice and spoke first.
"Good morning anne, Seyfi and Ayfer hanim. Welcome. Have a seat please." He said moving towards them and smiling.
"Good morning Serkan. Ahhh, I suppose you should learn some self control because it's really awkward to walk in on your grown son making out especially when you yourself called us here." Aydan said sarcastically and laughing, clearly embarrassed from what she saw early morning.

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