Chapter 18: Aaliyah

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Eli and Peyton were arguing about how weird it would be if they didn't wear masks inside. Of course, it was our own fault for not bringing them, but they weren't really that necessary. The only known cases had been in highly populated cities. Bryceville, Florida, which was where we'd decided to stop, had just under 4,000 residents. They seemed more concerned about blending in though. Almost everyone wore a mask these days. It was one of the leading industries in our economically destroyed country, and there was still a shortage.

"We don't need to be that concerned about it," Eli stated. "Even though the majority of people wear masks, it doesn't mean they all do. We won't be the only ones without them." Peyton shook her head.

"They also hide our faces. We're that much less noticeable."

"You're acting like we're all over the news or something. We are no one's top priority at the moment."

"If they found the people from this morning then we might be!"

"Only within Georgia states lines." I rolled my eyes. This argument was getting ridiculous.

"If there's no way for y'all to get masks, then there's no point in arguing over whether or not you should wear them. It won't make a big difference, and Eli's right, no one is searching for us outside of South Carolina, if they even care there anymore, and Georgia may never expand the search," Luke pointed out. At that, Peyton put her hands up in surrender.

"Okay, fine," she complied reluctantly. I chuckled. She was cute when she was mad. Shoot, Aaliyah, you shouldn't be thinking that. I shook off the thought. I could like her if I wanted to. It didn't mean I would actually do anything about it. "Where are we going?"

"Why don't we go to a little convenient store?" Eli suggested. "If we only need food—"

"We have to get something for Luke too," Marcus added. I nodded, but Luke protested fervently.

"I am fine. My neck's not broken or sprained or anything. No need. If you guys want to go to a convenient store, then by all means, go ahead."

"Luke, you probably need something," I countered. "Severe bruising will take a few days to heal enough to feel normal."

"No Aaliyah. I'm fine."

"Suit yourself," I sighed. Some battles weren't worth fighting, and if he didn't want my help, he didn't have to have it. "Eli, I can go in instead of you if you want."

"Um, why?" he questioned. "I mean, I don't mind, but—"

"Neither of you slept at all on the way here," I told him. Plus, I was dying for some time with her or Marcus where I wasn't a fifth wheel. He just shrugged.

"It'll only take a few minutes, so I don't think I'll have any time to sleep," he replied, only half-kidding. "If you want to though, then I'll stay out here with Luke and Marcus." I nodded. Peyton shot me a confused glance, but I just smiled. We'd stopped in front of a small gas station just outside of Bryceville. I could already tell it was a little sketchy from the graffiti on the walls, but the food supply I could see through the windows looked good enough.

"Who has money?" I asked. "I didn't bring any."

"I brought twenty dollars cash," Peyton said. "We can use that."

"That's not a lot," Marcus indicated. "I have some too." He dug a small pouch out from the backpack he was carrying and gave me another fifty dollars. "You can use this."

"Thanks. Come on," I said, nodding to Peyton. I took off my backpack and handed it to Marcus. She did the same, giving hers to Eli. The three of them walked off into the brush behind the store. I winced. Maybe I should have let one of the guys come with us.

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