Chapter 12: Eli

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I couldn't sleep. I knew these teens were trustworthy, it wasn't that that I was worried about. I was worried about the others I knew were in the southern Georgia area. The not-so-trustworthy ones. The ones who'd figured out who I was. And Peyton had volunteered herself for watch when she didn't even know what to do if something went wrong. Like, what if something did happen? She was smart, I'd already figured that out, but what would she do in a moment of panic?

I eventually gave in, getting up from the tarp I was supposed to be sleeping on and walked to the tree she was sitting beneath. If my time estimates were right, it was near midnight. She was still awake at least. I definitely trusted her not to fall asleep, but that didn't mean she might anyways. "Hey," I whispered, taking a seat beside her.

"Eli! Gosh, warn me next time," she gasped.

"I'm sorry," I quickly apologized. Sheesh, the last thing I'd wanted to do was scare her.

"What's up?" she asked quietly. She brought her hand up to her mouth to suppress a yawn.

"Can't sleep," I admitted.

"Oh. Too busy thinking about today huh? I'm sorry I kind of roped you into this. I was kind of leading things before we met you earlier. I mean, I was the one who'd come up with the plan so of course they expected me to lead. I just didn't really know what to do, and navigation is not my strong point. Probably my weakest actually," she stammered. Even by the light of the small crescent moon, I could make out her vulnerable expression.

Apparently, it normally took a long time for her to open up to people. She had told me earlier that she had no idea why she'd just instantly trusted me. She said that the only other person she'd trusted so quickly was Marcus, but even that had to develop over months. I could tell I was the only one who knew what she had just told me. Her mask in front of the others made her seem so organized and put together. Like she really knew what she was doing. That was one of the many ways we were similar in just the few hours that I'd gotten to know her. If there really was such a thing as love at first sight, then this was it.

"I wanted to help y'all. Don't blame yourself. I get where you're coming from," I comforted her.

"Today's been kind of weird in my opinion. Is it possible to fall in love in a matter of hours? I mean, not that I'm talking about you in particular or saying I'm in love with you—"

"I think there is." I smiled, knowing she didn't mind that I'd cut her off accidentally.

"It feels so fast," Peyton said quietly. "I told you about Marcus, and I thought that was fast."

"I think there are certain people that are meant to just click from the start. From what you've told me about him, it took y'all about two years, but for us it took more like two hours. That doesn't mean it's bad though." I turned my head so that my mink-brown hair fell over my eyes. I needed to cut it, but I didn't want to bother finding something to cut it with. I guess I could have gone for something shorter. Too late for that. Besides, I liked being able to hide the only things that always gave me away.

"I know, I'm not saying it's bad. By the way," she added, brushing the hair out of my face. "I think that's why Marcus didn't get you at first. He can't see that you genuinely had good intentions when you cover up the most emotional part of any human being. I like your eyes." Her gentle touch was enough to set off a new round of butterflies in my stomach.

"'We try to hide our feelings, but we often forget that our eyes speak,'" I stated thoughtfully.

"Who said that?" she asked.

"I can't remember. It's some quote. Another one is 'eyes are the window to the soul.'"

"I like both of those. And they're so true. I try more often than not to hide my feelings, though I've lost the talent over the years." Peyton had been looking at me, but when she said that, her gaze shifted to to the stars above us. They weren't completely visible, which meant there was civilization not far from here because there were streetlights obscuring our vision.

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