Chapter 30

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Sid's pov -

I don't know how time flies. It's been months to the amazing Goa trip. It's almost the end of our second year.

This year Dada and Vaishu di would leave the college. We have one more year in this college.

On the last day in Goa, Dada finally found the courage in himself to ask Di to marry him. He proposed her on the beach at night in the most possible romantic way.

We were all so happy for them. We did a small engagement ceremony after 1month from returning from Goa and they decided that they would get married after graduation, which took place 2 weeks back.

So that meant that the wedding was in a matter of 1 week. Our final exams are already over so now we are completely free to give our 100% to the preparations.

We had all already started preparing for the wedding. They both didn't want it to be grand and just a simple wedding with friends and family. So we decided we would conduct the wedding in our backyard itself.

Almost everything was ready. The wedding planner was booked to decorate the backyard and the house. Then the catering was set.

The only thing remaining was dress shopping which the girls had taken on them. The boys were only happy that they did not have to accompany them for shopping.

We all just had to select the bride's dress for bhabhi and our individual clothes.

I quickly got out of bed after my afternoon nap and had a quick shower wearing something comfortable cause we were going for shopping for bhabhi's dress. We had all already selected our clothes.

They were matching kurtas with a coat on top. It's just that we all had different colour. Like mine was navy blue with a orange coat. And likewise rest of the boys had different colors. Dada had taken an awesome light gold coloured sherwani for himself with a red turban.

We left home at around 4pm to go to the boutique for selecting the bridal dress.

Upon reaching the boutique the shop attendants took us at the back of the shop where most of the bridal dresses were hung in rows and rows. My god how can there be so many varieties for a simple dress.

"Omg dada it's gonna take hell lot of time to select from these", I voiced my thoughts to an similar wide eyed dada and jai. It was only the three of us here today.

" That's true. This is gonna be damn confusing. ", dada said scanning the room terrified.

" I don't understand how the girls find it so easy finding dresses. We took freaking 4 hours finding those kurtas we plan on wearing ", jai said with a frustrated and unbelievable look on his face.

" That's right. Well what I am saying is let's get to it quickly so that we are done pretty quick. ", I said already moving to the racks.

I saw them both nod from the corner of my eyes and busied themselves looking through the rack for the perfect dress.

For the next 3 hours we just showed each other dresses we thought would look amazing on di. But it was like if I liked one dress either of them didn't. And same goes for both of them. I was about to give up when my eyes fell of this beautiful dress hanging at a hands distance from me.

It was beautiful.

Di would look fucking awesome in that.

I quickly picked it out of the racks and called out to dada. Both him and jai turned to me and looked at the dress with the exact same reaction as mine. There mouths open and eyes wide with amusement filled in them.

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