18 - New Friend

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12:10, Lunch Time

Jimin POV

I'am here right now at the cafeteria eating alone as always since my boyfriends which is my co-members are still in class when I heard someone talk to me.

"Hi, what's your name?" A tall handsome boy asked.

"Oh hi I'm Park Jimin, nice to meet you" I replied as he smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, btw, uhm... can I sit with you?There are no tables left so I can't sit anywhere" He asked me very shy.

I just giggled at him and asked "Don't you have any friends in here to eat with you? " Actually I do have but their class isn't finished yet." " Oh really? Olay sure take a seat" "Thank you Jimin""No problem, actually we're the same I mean sort of" "Huh? How?"Because my other friends before are now my boyfriends"" Wait, your gay???" Well... sort of, why?""Nothing, Its just that... where the same""Wait really?" "Yes, the friends of mine that I told you earlier are my boyfriends already""How many are they?""Four, how about yours?"Mine is six" Six? Oh my God, that's to fucking many Jimin HAHAHA""I know, I also can't believe in the first place but as time goes on I learn to love them all back.I will introduce him to you and your boyfriends""Okay sure, then l'll also introduce you and your boyfriends to mine." We talked and talked while eating. We even go together in our class because we're just in the same class. I'm excited to meet his boyfriends and I'm excited for him and his boyfriends to meet mine. We decided to meet each other with our boyfriends on Friday in a mall near the most popular and most tasty ice cream shop.


End of Chapter 18!

Who is Jimin's New Friend?
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Sorry guyss if I didn't get to update for 2 days from now. I just get so busy. But I'll try my best to catch up. Love ya'll! Thankiess!!!

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