The Pear-Shaped Man: Karen's POV

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⫷I can not believe he opened the door for me! "I am an independent woman!" I squawked. "I do what I want! When I want! How I want!" I looked at him with wrathful eyes. "I may be a woman, but I can hold my own door!"

⫷"I'm sorry ma'am. Please let me grant you the opportunity to vine swing with me." He pleaded as a scrawny man walked in. He was fairly small. Only the size of one of my monster thighs after eating 20 big macs.

⫷"THIS A ROBBERY!!" He whooped. Then the dumb hairy behind man started trotting at the toothpick like a gorilla on crack.

⫷"Stop this madness! Big gorilla man is here to save all!" I saw the twig make a spiteful face at my hairy gorilla! I wasn't done yelling at him! He was my peasant to torture!

⫷"Um, you're not about to rob my Starbucks!" I pronounced, "Get out"! Then of course the big dumb man got shooted. But the worst part of all was that he fell on top of me.

⫷"AYVYHAYSYAYGYAHuyHI!" was all that I could push out before I fell unconscious.

⫷I woke up in a large metal cage where I caught a glimpse of a man. You could say...... he had a pear-shaped head. I started yelling at him.

⫷"LET ME GO YOU IDIOT!", but he laughed, and left the room. I soon noticed the gorilla was with me. He was clearly sleeping, but I thought he was dead. I looked at him silently.

⫷"He really looks like Cheese." I thought to myself, "The only thing I ever truly loved in life. My sweet little doggie cheese. Maybe I could love the goril-WAIT! I don't love the gorilla like that! He just reminded me of Cheese. It's not like I like him. He's stupid.

⫷Eventually, he woke up. I tried to ignore him, but..... I felt bad. I told him he looked like cheese, and he told me he would think of a way out because he was a big strong gorilla. So I roasted him like a bag of Starbucks coffee beans.

⫷"Oh yeah, the big strong gorilla who just got shot?"

⫷"Shot? What is shot?" He asked, confused.

⫷"Okay, never mind. My name is Karen, and I'm going to get us out of here!" I yelled with certainty.

⫷"Where is here?" He looked deep into my eyes.

⫷"I don't know, we got kidnapped," I responded looking equally as deep into his eyes.

⫷"What is kidnapped?"

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