Chapter 22

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Celina gasped in shock and Akira's eyes widen in perplexity as the pair studied the woman's unique appearance in astonishment.

Her yellow daggered teeth glimmered in the moonlight as she brushed her thinning grey hair away from her pale wrinkled face so the women could get a clearer look at their host's unique features.

Her brown eyes flickered between hues of chocolate to a yellow glare as she struggled to stand up,

"You must be tired. I will give you shelter for the night then you should go to the market at sun up and ask for Mr Cooper at the ham stall" she advised.

She shuffled towards the hut door and opened it,

"Why should we ask for him?" Celina asked clearing her throat to get over the shock.

"I worked as a maid for him once. He is a firm but kind man. He will help you save some money for your journey to Salisbury" the woman continued and walked into hut.

A warm light glowed from the only window in the small building and the women stood up and followed the elderly woman vigilantly.

They cautiously walked into the small structure to see Talitha holding an oil lamp and pointing to a bale of hay in the corner of the room,

"Here, use these to sleep on" she ordered and handed them two sheepskin blankets.

Without hesitation, Celina set to making a bed for her and Akira to get some much needed rest on as her partner regarded the host with curiosity.

The old woman turned to walk out the door as she put the oil lamp down and looked around the sparse room with sentiment.

"Where are you going?" She asked with slight concern.

The woman looked at Akira with a determined stare,

"To finally find my own kind" she thoughtfully replied and began to hobble out of the building.

Akira's curiosity got the better of her and she followed the shuffling woman out of the hut,

"What are you?" She pressed.

Talitha stopped her journey and turned back.

Her eyes examined every aspect of Akira with a knowing stare,

"I am a troll and although my time with humans has come to an end, I can see yours has just begun" she replied with a smile.

"A troll?" Akira thought with bewilderment.

She had never seen a troll before and became intrigued by her new friend's confession.

Although, she had heard of them before, this was not what she expected.

As a child her mother would tell her stories of other magical creatures and would go into detail about each one so she knew what to look out for if she ever came across them.

However, the stories on trolls were always short and vague.

"Why do you not tell me more about them, mother?" Akira would ask when her mother would put her to bed as a child.

"Because they are fast and illusive creatures, who are only seen when they are away from their kind for a long period of time" she confirmed to her curious daughter.

Over the years, Akira would forget about the lesser known magical creatures and instead focused on the ones that she came into contact with more frequently, and eventually the humans that posed a threat to her friends and family.

"How long have you been away from your kind?" Akira asked the frail woman.

Talitha looked up at the clear night sky and gave a heavy sigh,

The 7 Deadly Sins - Lust (Book 1 of The 7 Deadly Sins Short Stories Series)Where stories live. Discover now