Chapter 11

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A deafening cracking sound echoed around the barn,

"Akira, what are you doing?" Celina shouted.

Ignoring her pleading friend, Akira continued to advance on Manson as he looked around frantically for available exits.

The thunderous sound rocked through the barn as Celina and Manson looked around to try to find the cause of the distraction.

"It's ice!" Manson yelped.

His eyes widened in pure terror as he watched thick layers of ice climb up the walls and create a new icy cell.

"What is she?" He gasped.

"She's one of you!" Celina tried.

"No she is not! Look at her eyes!" He screamed, banging against the wall of ice in an attempt to weaken it.

Celina ran to the front of Akira and looked into her eyes.

Her emerald green eyes, that previously glittered with delight when she was happy or intrigued, vanished and in their place swirled a dark and foreboding blue smog with a menacing white ring that vibrated faster as she approached her target.

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"Akira, please hear me! Stop! Let me help you!" She begged and put her hands on her friend's face.

Akira broke her attention away from Manson for a moment and regarded Celina cupping her face with her hands blankly,

"What can you help me with?" She asked without emotion.

Her frosty skin began to penetrate Celina's palms as she tried to pull them away quickly.

"Help you control what you are" Celina promised.

She yanked her hands away from Akira's pale face and looked down at them in shock.

Blocks of thick ice coated both hands making them heavy to hold up as she frantically tried to get them free.

She bashed them against the frozen floor and walls but the ice would not budge.

Akira looked at her with cold confusion and put her hand up in front of her.

Without taking her eyes off Celina, she fired a shot of ice from her palm and hit Manson, freezing him to the spot.

His eyes penetrated pure terror from within his icy coffin as Celina stopped trying to free herself and raced towards Manson's frozen body.

She slowly walked around him, tapping at different areas of the ice in disbelief,

"You have to unfreeze him, Akira! We cannot leave him like this" Celina whispered.

"We?" Akira posed distantly.

Celina slowly walked towards her evolving friend and stood in front of her.

She gazed into her impassive eyes and nodded,

"Yes, we!" She confirmed and leaned in towards her.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side as her face connected with Akira's frosty skin.

Celina hesitated for a moment before gently kissing her icy friend on the lips.

Startled and perplexed, Akira paused for a moment before stepping back and regarded the captor with bewilderment,

"What are you doing?" She stuttered.

"Showing you that you are not alone and never will be again" Celina replied.

"You should not have done that" Akira stammered and turned away from her hopeful friend.

Celina warily placed her hand on Akira shoulder, avoiding the now paused bones sticking up at each side of Akira's back,

"I'm sorry. I did not mean to -" she apologised and stepped away from her shuddering friend.

Confused and thinking over all the moments that led to this point, Celina shook her head as she was convinced she felt Akira's true, if not reluctant, feelings.

Just as she thought about giving up and trying to find an escape, she closed her eyes and begged for a sign that she was wrong.


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The 7 Deadly Sins - Lust (Book 1 of The 7 Deadly Sins Short Stories Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora