Chapter 5

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"Why is it so quiet?" Akira asked, looking around the desolate cobbled street.

Candle light hummed in a few of the houses that lined the road but movement was sparse,

"They're probably in the taverns or still coming back from work" Bahram posed.

The eerie silence rattled the group slightly and Nero signalled towards the entrance to a foreboding looking alleyway ahead,

"We'll go in there and follow it round until it leads us to the centre" He whispered as the others followed without question.

Akira glanced up at Bahram, who returned a cautious smile before following the others into the hidden walkway.

The group carefully navigated the narrow, dirty pathway and Akira quickly lifted up her dress and held her nose,

"What is that smell?" She gasped from beneath her gloved palm.

The blood started to drain from her face and a queasy feeling swept over her as she inspected her new surroundings with disgust.

Rotting scents of meat, fish and indescribable fats polluted the air and floated out of small, cloaked doorways at each side of the alley.

"Fish heads for the lady?" A grubby, toothless woman asked.

Akira jumped back as the woman hobbled towards her showing Akira her offerings.

Bloody fish heads filled a dirty bucket that the woman presented to the group and Akira stepped back in horror,

"Very good for you" the old woman promised.

She wiped her greasy, thinning black hair from her coal smudged face and gave the group a withered smile.

Akira shook her head frantically and moved away from the dishevelled lady as the other's laughed and continued ahead.

The pack forged forward and tiptoed around beggar's sleeping on the grimy cobbles and ladies of the night offering their bodies for a Shilling,

"Come with me" a middle aged lady beckoned to Nero.

He inspected her sullied appearance and push her to one side.

Her skinny frame tumbled and hit the wall as Akira went to check she wasn't hurt,

"Here, take this!" Akira said and handed the woman a few coins.

She closed her soiled hands and thanked Akira profusely before quickly returning from the clothed entrance she came out of earlier.

Akira regarded Nero with loathing and pushed ahead, refusing to acknowledge any of the men's jokes or small talk.

Minutes went by and numerous residents of the dank alleys tried to get the groups attention for money until they finally reached their destination,

"We're here" Nero whispered and inspected the area for witnesses.

The area was silent apart from a few noises from the main road of men going to get their evening drinks from the local tavern,

"John, how would you like a little relaxer before you go home?" One gentleman could be heard asking from the alleyway.

Manson smiled and raise an eyebrow at Nero who returned his telling smirk,

"Maybe just a little one. I wonder if my lady will be there tonight?" Another gentleman with a deeper voice replied.

"I don't think they're talking about going to the tavern" Bahram coolly stated with a smile.

The group started to snigger before Nero reminded them of the task ahead,

"Focus! Akira go to the front now and you three go to that side and we'll go to the other"

The men looked at the broken cart that stood before them and quietly took their positions.

Nero gave Akira a menacing glare as she nodded and disappeared around the corner.

As she entered the main road from the alleyway a gust of air greeted her and knocked her off her feet,

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there. Here, let me help you" A man politely said.

Dressed in a black suit and matching top hat, the older man looked very dapper and very rich.

He handed his gloved hand to Akira and helped her from the floor.

Akira quickly brushed her dress down and didn't see the man bend down to the floor again.

He slowly got back up and presented her with a shiny item with a curious glance,

"I think you dropped this" He whispered and handed her the object in question.

Akira looked down in horror to see her pistol had come loose from the fall and was now in the stranger hand, who seemed to be looking for answers.

She composed herself and quickly took the weapon from him,

"You can never be too careful when not accompanied by a gentleman" Akira meekly replied, trying to avoid his inquisitive stare.

The man twitched his thick grey moustache and continued to observe her with prying eyes then nodded as she thanked him for his assistance, put the pistol back in her belt and turned to walk away.

Lighting in the shop windows started to go out and the street began to get darker as she continued down to the bank.

"It's all on you now. Don't make any mistakes!" Akira told herself.

She got to the door and put her hand on the steel handle.

Her heart started to race at the gravity of the job ahead and she paused for a moment to get her breath,

"You can do this!" She continued to herself and slowly pulled the handle down.

She put one foot over the threshold and stopped midway as she felt a force on her shoulder.

Startled, Akira jumped back in surprise and froze, hoping that the plan had not been exposed,

"I'm sorry but I couldn't go and leave a lady to walk these streets alone at this time of the evening. There are all types of undesirables just waiting to take advantage of a little lady like you. Why don't I walk you home?" The voice suggested.

Akira recognised the voice and slowly turned round to see a well dressed stranger smiling down at her.

It was the man who knocked her over moments ago and he was determined to play the gentleman who rescues the damsel in distress,

"Errrm, I'm fine really. I just need to go to the bank then I am meeting my husband straight after" Akira stuttered.

The stranger looked around the empty street and gave a heavy sigh,

"No, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I left you here alone. I will wait for you outside and then will escort you to your husband when you are finished" He concluded.

Akira gave a slow frustrated nod and slowly walked through the bank door,

"Shit! What am I going to do now with him waiting outside?" She panicked as she smiled at the podgy enthusiastic bank teller making his way towards his final customer of the day.


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The 7 Deadly Sins - Lust (Book 1 of The 7 Deadly Sins Short Stories Series)Where stories live. Discover now