“J-just calm down, no sudden movements.” Avan was panicking which made me panic. “Where’s the container?”

“T-to your left-t” while Avan blindly looked for the box, I started letting out little squeals and people began turning around to see the commotion. “Miss Swan what in-“

“AHHH!!!!” I shot out of my chair making it fall behind me. My left hand was held out straight and on it was a black tarantula gripping on for dear life. Girls and some guys saw the thing and immediately went to the front of the class, screaming, “Ciara I got the container!” Avan shouted.

But I wasn’t listening; I was making my way to the front of the class, where all the students were. My hands were waving wildly. “Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!” I screamed.

The class was in total chaos; Mr Richardson was trying to calm down the students while I was hunting them down with a spider on my hand. It was like when you watch your friend getting chase and then they start coming your way and you have to make a run for it too.

Yeah well, that’s what I’m doing to the class.

Guys and girls were on the table and chairs; everyone was running away from me. They pushed past each other, friends turned against friends and some even hid behind others. The classroom just had to be the perfect place for echoes, because all the high pitch screams of the girls were really doing damage to my ears.

“MUMMY!!!” I squealed when the thing looked at me with its gazillion eyes.

I saw a big buffed jock and figured he was man enough to get it off my hand, so I immediately turned my attention to him. He saw this and made a run for it but I right behind him “Hey! Be a man and get it off me!”

“Get away from me!” The big guy pushed a nerd in front of him as a human shield, the nerd was too scared to move. From the spider or the big guy behind him, I shall never know

Avan just stood in the back, hearing the commotion. That fool had a grin on his face and was shaking his head; I bet he would be laughing if there wasn’t so much noise.

He was suppose to be the prince that saves me-oh wait that’s me; well he’s not doing a very good job at being my trusted steed.

That good for nothing, stu- hey, Avan’s making his way to me

He used the toppled tables to guide him my way, he probably is listening to my screams, that’s how he knew where I was. My body went into shut down about a minute before Avan started moving, so it just stood still as I let out ear piercing screams.

“Kitty, I need your help to get it off your hand” Avan spoke calmly and my body reacted by letting out little screams. Avan gently took my left hand that had the spider, his other hand searched for a table. Then ever so slowly he brought my left hand on the table “Now I need you to take a piece of paper or something to move the tarantula on the table”

Mutely I nodded even though he couldn’t see and grabbed a pen on the desk and started to push the monster off. The second the thing climbed of my hand, I immediately jumped in Avan’s. “My trusted steed, I knew you would come back for me!” I got on my tippy toes and kissed Avan’s cheek. Avan let out a cheeky grin and held on me tighter.

The class finally settled down and someone bravely came up and put a box over the spider.

I don’t know why but I started to clap, it seemed like the perfect moment to applause. Weirdly enough others started to join me…nah jokes, I was the only one clapping.  

“Could everyone settle down back to their seats” Mr Richardson look flustered, he was even leaning on a table for support. Geez, it’s not like the guy ran a marathon so why is he exhausted. “Miss Swan and Mr Jackson go to the principal’s office”

Blindly Running into Troubleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن