FF #5 | Chapter 9, 10, 11 & 12

Start from the beginning

"I had to ask you something.." She came straight to the point.

"Well, the timing is odd. But go on."

"Can I bunk today?"

"Just a gentle reminder, you are a temporary employee. And... just to make things clear, isn't it, your second day at work?"

"Umm, it is," Gauri replied trying to keep her eyes on his eyes. Drifting her eyes anywhere else could be potentially dangerous.

He sighed, "Is this dress the reason?" Gauri looked aside.

"You know what you can reach and change. Or if that's not okay, we can.." Omkara tried to think through some ideas. "Blossom Mall it's on the way. We can make a stop there and you can change over."

Gauri glanced back at him. "That's a good idea. Thank you. And umm, I will take a cab."

Omkara internally frowned. "Wait, why? Daadi already mentioned it to your Daadi that I drop you to 'your college' because it's on the way to my work."

"What! When did that happen?"

"When you left last night without eating dessert." Omkara mentally kicked himself for mentioning the little detail.

"Oh! Fine I will see you after... you wear... I mean. After you're ready to go." Gauri was now pulling her hair in her head. Why did she have to think without speaking at most times? Especially in front of him!

Omkara grinned as she made her statement sound better. "Sure, see you soon." He replied but Gauri stared at him without moving. He was so tempted to flirt boldly. But he decided to keep it light.

"Umm, do you want 'something'?" His tone was teasing as he stressed on the word something. Or do you want to join me, I am going to shower?

"Uh, ah, no." Gauri stuttered stepping back. Did he mean kiss by something? Was he flirting or mocking? Confused she decided to go back into her room.

Gauri turned when she heard him say, "you look pretty by the way!" She, however, hurried into her room not reacting. Omkara grinned knowing for sure that she heard him when she fastened her steps. Cute!

Gauri closed the door of her room resting her back against it. Did he really mean that or was it his way of mocking? Confusion man, a very hot one at that!

Chapter 10

Gauri had decided to talk to him only when necessary and talk after thinking. No reacting whatsoever. She was glad that Daadi would be gone by the time she returned from work. It wasn't that she didn't love her. She loved and even respected her grandmother. That was one of the reasons she was still trying to keep her happy. But what about her wishes. Will she never get to live her life the way she wanted? What Gauri feared more was that Daadi would wed her into a family that was of familiar thinking. What if her husband turned out to be conservative like her grandmother or a puppet under his mother/grandmother like her father was under her grandmother?

Forget about that. Didn't she have a right to choose the person she'd want to spend her whole life with? For once she wished she was more rebellious. But then of she did anything against her grandmother's wishes it would upset her and in turn upset her father. Her mother had passed away when she was twelve. Her mother's death had not only impacted her but he rather too. It was Daadi who had handled them and been there for them. Her eyes grew misty. She felt so helpless.

"Hey, sorry I had to take a call."

Gauri simply nodded proceeding to sit in the car. The car pulled away from the mansion. Omkara noticed that she was lost in her thoughts. "All okay?" He asked. He shouldn't give a damn. But the truth was he did.

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