Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Your Majesty." Guards bowed deeply as I walked past them.

They were the same pair I had met earlier in the night. What were their names again?


They were the least of my concerns as of now. I had a tray full of meals to deliver, after all.

They opened the grand double door for me and I walked in with hasty steps. My eyes roamed over the bed area in search of the man who mattered the most.

The dim white candles only brightened so much of the room. The dark ambiance still loomed over the room even with burning woods in the fireplace.

I could see a frail silhouette of a man lying on the bed in a soft green silk robe.

Warm glow of lighting couldn't hide the pale sunken skin of his, though. If anything, the shadows shaped his face and bones in more hollowed gloom.

Thunder sparked somewhere outside, making light flash in the room. A loud boom crackled only seconds after that.

Red curtains flew as a sudden gush of wind brushed past my body, ruffling the creases of my now brown-stained white gown.

I shivered glancing at the open window beside me.

Another bright bolt of lightning crackled in the far west.

My heart did an impromptu jump at the boom that was louder than the last one.

"Here," a familiar deep voice spoke, making me look forward.

Valendard was walking closer to me. His dull green eyes focused solely on the tray in my hands.

No words were spoken between us as he took the tray from me and walked to the bed.

I followed his steps and stood beside the left white post of the bed.

A sheer beige curtain blurred Grandfather's face as I watched Valendard swiftly yet carefully put down the bowls on the bed.

"Two bowls?" Valendard raised his brows at me.

I pressed my lips into a firm line.

Knew he would ask!

"His medicine and your leftover. Now move."

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