Chapter Twenty-Six

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"That woman is really crazy!"

I grumbled while walking through the hallways.



Lots and lots of food inside my growling stomach.

It was noon already and I only had an hour to walk down this mind-boggling maze, toward the dining hall.

I was fortunate enough to know most of the routes of this palace by now, though. So, it was one less hassle to deal with at the moment.

But some thoughts burned the shit out of my brain, fueling the already insufferable pain of hunger in me.

And, I was helpless.

That bloody Queen!

She had been on my mind since the moment those guards had informed me about High King's escapade that night. I had been just returning from training when they arrived.

The first thought that had crossed my mind was Silver herself, though, I should have been more worried about lord Galvin, honestly.

I had run off without thinking in search of them and when I found her, she seemed to be in a daze. What baffled me more was the flowing tears in those precious pools of blue ocean.

It broke my heart, as cheesy as that sounded now. But I knew what I felt. And, I did not want to feel that again.

I did not want to see her cry. Ever.

I sighed before turning to another corner of the hallway.

Then there was that stunt in the bath chamber.

A groan escaped my lips as I recalled the big messy puddle of blue with ever-flowing blood, tumbling out of the tub and Silver was there, standing in the middle of the chaos.

She had looked as if she was bathing in her own blood, careless of the consequences of losing precious liquid from her body.

I had never felt fear grip me so hard looking at her pained yet disturbingly serene face ever before.

It was as if she was punishing herself for something.

So distracted.

So hurt.

That was not the Queen I had known all these months.

It was the face of a lost and defeated woman.

My Silver was brave and bold, even in the worst of situations.

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