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The amusement park was an hour's drive from Steven's place, but it took them nearly two hours to get there since he and Amena had to pick up Mike and Mia along the way.

They picked up Mia first and then headed to Mike's. When Steven pulled up in front of Mike's apartment building, they had to wait nearly fifteen minutes until he finally came downstairs.

He seemed unorganized and had a backpack hanging on his shoulder. "Sorry about that, guys," he said, sliding in the passenger's seat next to Mia.

"We were damn near ready to leave you," Mia sneered as she looked through to her phone.

Mike and Steven shared a silence glanced from the car rear-view mirror, but Steven stayed silent and started to drive off.

"Jesus, Mike, were you taking a dump? We called you in advance," Amena pestered.

Mike shrugged his shoulders. "I kind of went back to sleep when you called me and got ready when I heard the car honk from outside."

Amena rolled her eyes but smiled gently at Mike, "Of course you did."

"Anyways, let's get ready to go on rides that will make us throw up our entire stomach," Mike said, moving from his seat and putting his head in between the space of Amena and Steven. "With our two lovely bosses."

Steven kept his eyes on the road, "I don't do roller coasters so that it will be just you, Mia, and Amena."

Mike scuffed, "You think you're too good for a roller coaster? I smell a chicken." Suddenly, Mike's eyes meet Steven in the rear-view mirror, and Steven was wide eye glaring at him. If his eyes could talk, it would probably be saying drop the fucking topic.

Mike went back to his seat, tensed up, and avoided eye contact with Steven the whole car ride.

When they got to the amusement park, Amena collected their tickets in the parking lot while Steven, Mia, and Mike stretched after the long ride. Amena handed each of them an admission ticket.

She handed Steven's ticket last, "You sure you don't want to go on anything," Amena said, nuzzling her nose close to him.

Steven nodded, crossing his arms.

Amena smirked, "You're adorable." Before they left, Amena noticed that he was acting nervous and sweating back in his house. They were supposed to be getting ready and had just finished breakfast, but Steven was acting off.

"You okay, Steven? My God, you're heating up!" Amena said, putting his hand on his forehead. "Are you sick? We can cancel. Let me call Mia and Mike."

Steven stretched his neck, "You don't have to do that. I'm not sick. It just..."

Amena gave him a look that said to spit it out, or I'm going to cancel the trip and make you lie in bed all day.

"I kind of have a fear of roller coaster...." Steven spat out. "Had some bad experiences as a teenager and kid...." Steven was ready to hear Amena laugh, a grown man scared of roller coasters.

Amena sighed in relief, "Whew, I thought you were sick. It's fine. Aaliyah is terrified of them also. You don't have to go on them, and you can just hang out with us around the park."

Steven looked at Amena; she was 100% supportive with no smirk or laugh on her face. "You sure? I'm not going to be ruining the fun."

Amena lightly tapped his side, "of course not, now relax, and get ready."

Now they were standing in the parking lot, about to head inside. Steven put his ticket in his pocket and followed Amena, who led.

After passing the scanning ticketing booths, Mike was urging them to go on a ride that was brand new. Amena turned to Steven, "Get something to eat. We're going to be heading to that section first."

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