Chapter 76 (Bunny or Beast)

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Chapter 76 (Bunny or Beast)

The next morning after the excessive exercises on the bed, Wangyi had a very sound sleep, probably due to tiredness or unconsciousness, even she herself is not aware. When she opens her eyes, she finds that she is not alone, there is another breath next to hers, which has its mouth apart and breathing evenly but snoring quite aloud.

Wangyi was quite startled as she is not used to having someone next to her, and worst the person next to her is snoring quite a bit loud, making her mind a bit confused. She tries to get herself grounded to recall what is happening last night. When she recalled, being pressed down, holds onto and worst stabbed, Wangyi feels really shy but also annoyed. Not that she didn't feel the pleasure last night but she also at the same time felt bullied by the beasty Zhan Xian, who is gentle but excitable to the extent of losing control at times during their night exercise on the bed.

Wangyi is now quite awake as she remembered what happened last night, she tries to escape from the cratches of the two long arms that have been encircling her, her body has been tightly held by Zhan Xian, and then she realizes that the clothes have been torn by the beast. Now, she is naked from the top to the toes, making Wangyi feel embarrassed as this is the first time that she slept with no clothes on, maybe when she is a baby which she has no memories of.

Wangyi is now feeling hot and sour, the worst has to come when she tries to move away from Zhan Xian, she saw the salvia drooling of Zhan Xian, and then it seems to blow bubbles when he breaths in and out, opening and closing his mouth. Although Wangyi only saw a small bubble, the bubbles breaks onto her body, meaning the salvia has flowed onto her body. All these are new experiences and Wangyi feels strange and complicated. Everything is just not normal, also, being naked to another naked person just makes her shiver.

Wangyi tries to move her body away from Zhan Xian and she wanted to go for a bath, for she felt the salvia on her shoulders. However, she finds that she has pain in her waist, her waist is so painful and tired that she felt like it has been broken in half. Even, slight moving is hard, her arms are also tired from holding hard on Zhan Xian for support the whole night. The more she thought of what happened last night, the more red and hot her body becomes. However, she also feels slightly angry for Zhan Xian did not go easy on her and now she could not move.

Wangyi feels frustrated and so she started crying

" waist already broken" Wangyi sniffling on the bed.

Her crying makes the sleeping crown prince now stir in his sleep. Zhan Xian is really exhausted, after all, he has never done such exercises before and so all his energy seems depicted. Thus, he was sleeping so soundly and comfortably, feeling the warmth of his beloved wife, however, now his eyes hardly able to open but his ears functioning is still working and so when he heard the sound of the sniffle, Zhan Xian was startled and he forced those sleeping and tire eyelids to open.

When Zhan Xian heard Wangyi crying and sobbing away, Zhan Xian becomes anxious and worried, he leans in and softly asks

"What happens to your my yiyi?" Zhan Xian asks softly

Wangyi sniffles away

"I-I think I-I am g-going to die soon," Wangyi told Zhan Xian

Zhan Xian instantly sat up with shock

"What!, don't frighten me, my darling wife" Zhan Xian looks at Wangyi with fear

Wangyi looks at him with red eyes

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