Chapter 9 (Another Destiny Fighter)

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Chapter 9 (Another Destiny Fighter)

The emperor hugs his wife dearly and kiss her on the forehead

"Thank you for giving me a child, a child that belongs to both of us and born out of love" the emperor sighed and hugs Ching er tightly.

The news is still too raw to Ching er and all she could is to sit down and swamped by the news and her hands even slide onto her belly seems to not being able to believe that there is a little life in her belly.

"A child!!!!" Ching er mumbles with a still eyes but no voice, and so the emperor asks for paper and ink for her to write. Even though, she loses her voice, it's sadness just dissipate with the news of a child in her.

"Yes, wife, we are having a child together" Wei Zong's eye beaming with sparkles. He likes children but after knowing true love, having a child with Ching er is something that is different. He had experienced a kind of joy that consumed his bones and blood. This is because the child is carried by someone that he loves so much, more than his own life.

"A child that bare both our blood" Ching er beams with happiness too as she writes, and now she understands the joy of a mother. So, she hands rubs the stomach a few times, the always intelligent and wise Ching er seems to have lost her senses as she asks

"How come I don't feel the child" a state of panic on her face and she wrote on the paper

Wei Zong immediately turns to the old physician.

The old physician bow and laughs lightly too

"Concubine Ching, the child is now only as small as a bean, it will grow over the nine months and you must take good care of yourself, lots of rest and sleep. Also, eat nutritious food" old physician told both of them.

Immediately, the Emperor told the physician

"You move in here to stay and you will not mix with anyone else, the news of the pregnancy will be confidential till the baby is born" We Zong told the physician.

The old physician nods his head

"Yes, emperor" and bow, he has seen how Wei Zong grows up as a righteous man and he heard about how Concubine Ching treating the maid servant well, all he has is praises for the beautiful concubine.

The emperor embrace Ching er with joy, suddenly his face turns dark

"I will personally meet the Prime Minister, he has to stop if he doesn't want me to strip the empress title for his daughter" We Zong roars angrily.

Immediately, his personal guard plus those that are guiding the palace kneel in front of him

"Waiting for your command" the guards are in one accord, they very royal to the emperor and seeing the emperor's beloved being poison and some of them are suffering too, they will risk their lives for the emperor.

"First, 100 guards to gather all the concubines and put them into one palace for house arrest" the emperor gives command to the chief guard

"Yes" the chief guard reply

"Next, gather 100 guards to the empress palace and with my edict, put her into a sole jail as state that the palace fire is under investigation" Emperor Wei Zong told the chief guard.

Ching er stand up and tug his sleeve and she wrote

"Don't be rush, she is the mother of the nation and also the mother of your two children" Ching er reminds the Emperor

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