Chapter 2 (Wei Family)

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Chapter 2 (Wei Family)

The empire of Wei has been fought and stabilized by the ancestor of Wei, the Wei ancestors were mainly fighters and conquerors, thus, they are naturally leaders, leading the people against those tyrant Emperors that keep the normal citizen as slaves, thus the Wei ancestor challenges those Emperor at that time and also with their leadership and fighting skills, there were rebellion and challenging of human rights, thus the great ancestors then brought peace to the land of Wei country. The people are set free and it becomes a country of freedom and a land of opportunities, however, the country is also governed by laws and regulations with appointments of governmental officials and magistrates to enforce them. It is never a perfect system but it work to a degree that people are able to enjoy a relatively peaceful life.

The Palace itself is a little Kingdom with more than ten thousand people living in it and that doesn't include the Palace guards with five thousand of them under the direct order of the Emperor, these guards keeps the law and order inside the palace and also responsible for the protection of the emperor and all his Empress and concubines. The Harem itself have several hundreds of concubines with different ranking other than the Empress. However, Emperor Wei Zong has been one of the Emperor that cut down his Harem from several hundred to less than about twenty concubines which is already a brave move seen by many officials in the court. Most of these concubines are from the official's family which is hard for him to refuse or he had it when he was relatively young with no thoughts of it, some of them are even older than him. Emperor Wei Zong doesn't like the Harem with too many ladies after all he seen his own Mother Empress suffered as one of the woman waiting to serve his own Emperor father at that time, the father of Emperor Wei Zong is a man of good looks as it seems like a hereditary genes and thus, those concubines comes with schemes and drugs, thus sometimes, his own father can be a very normal man but he can also be a terrible beast when he is drugged, causing him to lost control and becomes a monster to his own Mother Empress and having nearly three to four concubines and even with his own Empress Mother to tamed down that drug. Emperor Wei Zong saw how regretful his Emperor will become after he was drugged, thus, he was taught from young to have a taster to taste all of the food before he eats them. These have been taught to all his beloved children especially his third and fourth sons whom are especially precious to him, they are bore by his true love, the concubines that he choose himself. Someone that he made his own decision, the mother of Wei Zhan Xian and his little brother Wei Zhan Ang.

When the Emperor was young and about twenty years ago, the Emperor loves to do his random travel to his own country side where he will wear plain clothes and travel with some of his shadow guards and also his main chief Palace Guard who will dress as his man servants. Wei Zong would ask them to call him Master Wei and they would act like a wealthy family and Emperor Wei Zong is the son of the wealthy family, out for some fun. Although, it is something an emperor would do as he travels to investigate the life of the citizen.

Emperor Wei Zong has an encounter that changed his life forever, it was a sunny day, the young Emperor then was travelling with his highly skilled Palace guards but dressed as his servants again. Young Wei Zong was having a day of fun as he walk around the city enjoying all kinds of funs, from eating to buying and then even play some normal citizen games like getting his rings into the hoops and even wins some prizes. Those prizes are of course nothing compared to his treasure but Wei Zong loves it, he feels like he can only enjoys freedom when he is out of the Palace. Although he is the one above all in all aspect but there is still those stingy rules and regulations that he had to follow, not that he hates it totally but then it can get bored especially when one official fighting for another, it drives him crazy, and then there are those Empress and concubines that flood to him like ants to sweets, he feels tire, very tire...he needs some freedom, he wants some freedom, he craves for some free time, he urges for some personal time with no one behind or in front of him. His chief eunuch is someone that understands him well but he is full of rules....

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