Chapter 47 (First Morning Together)

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Chapter 47 (First morning together)

Hello friends

I just love to read all your conversations in the comments section, I feel like I am not alone writing this story. I have so many co-writers, GREAT!, Keep it coming. I love it. They are so funny and cute. hahahahaha


It is early in the morning where the rooster has been waiting to show off his powerful voice. Just as soon as the sun shows his handsome and shinning face, the rooster got it's cue and begins his morning round of alarm clock to waits up the servants of the palace.

Jingyi usually waits up when the rooster calls for him. He is used to waking up early and gets all his work ready, such as cleaning his room, tidy his appearance and then he will get ready to wait upon Wangyi.

It is nearly time to wake up Wangyi and so jingyi as usual gets ready a basic of warm water with a towel to get Wangyi to clean up and freshen himself. He also ready a wooden toothbrush for Wangyi to clean his teeth.

"Wangyi..." Jingyi shouted a few times and thinking that Wangyi must be sleeping and so he quickly opens the door and saw a big meat ball and thinking that his friends is still sleeping and so he puts the basic on the table and sit beside Wangyi and pushes him

"Wangyi" but everything seems wrong, the body is too soft and when Jingyi opens the quilt, he saw a booster and then a letter fell out of it.

Jingyi had a feeling that something is not good. He shakingly took the letter and read, the moment his eyes on the letter, tears flowing down his cheek.

"wuwuwuwuw, how am I going to tell Mdm Lan and the Old master Cheng...wuwuwuwuww,,,Wangyi, why didn't you take me" Jingyi sits dumbfounded and cries his heart out.

Suddenly, Jingyi heard some sound "psssttt. pssstt" the sound seems to come from the side window.

Jingyi walks dazingly to the window and suddenly a head pop out of it

"Ahhhh..." Jingyi screams but not too loudly because he doesn't want to alarm anyone, he knew that he must keep Wangyi disappearance a secret.

"Hee! Hee!"

"It's me" Wen Ning shows a smiling face looking a little silly actually.

Jingyi sniffers and then he asks

"Why are you here?" Jingyi asks tryng to dry his tears

"Aiyooo, your lady knows that you are going to cry and so ask me to come and see you ma" Wen Ning then hope into the room.

"She is right, looking at you, looking like a crybaby" Wen Ning teases Jingyi

"Y-you..shut up" Jingyi pouts and then looks at the letter and he feels sad again. Wen Ning saw his expression and he tries to comfort him

"Look, he is safe with the third prince, we must be strong and hold the fort for them alright" Wen Ning speaks in serious tone.

Jingyi listens with his heart and this is true, this is what he should do for Wangyi, he cannot fumble or it might brings harm to Wangyi.

"Em" Jingyi dries his tears.

"Thank you" Jingyi told Wen Ning

"Let me know if you need help, alright" Wen Ning told Jingyi

Jingyi nods his head and then he told Wen Ning

"If you have any news from them, can you come and tell me" Jingyi has a request, any news from Wangyi will helps to ease his worries and he really wants to know about Wangi progress.

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