Chapter 15 The Fallout

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October 20th, 2005

My eyes gazed at my older brother as he turned to face his men. I stood alongside Matsuno, still wondering what had gone wrong. The captains held a meeting not long ago. Baji had changed. He became withdrawn. It was almost like he was walking out of my life and I didn't understand why. Nor would he even tell me. No. Instead I was left in the dark, wondering why he wasn't at this meeting.

Draken stepped forward beside Mikey, "We will now officially appoint a new Captain to a newly formed Sixth Division of the Tokyo Manji Gang."

Sixth Division?

My mind was filled with so many questions. Why did they create a new division? Who was going to be its leader? Why now? I looked at the faces of the other captains in attendance. They all wore serious expressions; Mitsuya, Peh, and the other two captains that I wasn't as close to.

We are only missing Baji.

Something inside me told me that there was something wrong with this. We were missing our First Division Captain when we were about to gain a Sixth. I felt uneasy as I continued to listen.

I heard many whispers of curiosity around me but I didn't pay attention. I waited for more information to be given from our leaders.

"Sixth Division Captain! Step up!" Mikey yelled into the crowd.

After a few seconds, the sounds of footsteps were heard behind us. I turned my body to see the guy that had saved Mikey's girlfriend a while ago.

Don't tell me.

I had a sudden bad feeling about him. Did Mikey give him a division because he saved her? I eyed the boy with suspicion. Normally I would congratulate any guy for saving a girl that was in danger. But the air around him made my skin crawl. It was like he was a monster pretending to be a hero.

I watched the bastard take a seat on the steps in front of Mikey. My hands tightened into fists next to me. It seemed that the crowd were just as displeased with this guy as I was and they were making it known.

"Listen up! The person sitting behind me is the new Sixth Division Captain, Kisaki Tetta!" the guy that had followed behind the one with glasses spoke.

Kisaki Tetta.

So, that's what this guy's name was. He didn't look particularly strong. But there was something about him that reminded me of how some of the members of the Syndicate would operate behind the shadows. It was something that Rai was trying to figure out to topple them over for good so that I could be free.

This Kisaki Tetta wreaked of someone that could play you like a chess piece. I wondered why I had that impression of him but my gut was hardly ever wrong.

The crowd became outraged stating that Kisaki was part of the Moebius gang. If this guy was from that gang then what was he doing here and not in Valhalla with the rest of the Moebius members?

A chorus of 'Piss off' was heard throughout the shrine. Kisaki did not make a good impression.

"Shut up! If any of you have a problem with Mikey's decision, step up!" Draken yelled angrily at the crowd of bikers.

I do but something tells me that Mikey wouldn't listen. Even to me. Not right now.

This guy had gained Mikey's favour by saving his Queen. It would be hard to talk him out of this decision.

Mikey stepped forward to address everyone, "We are eventually going to have a war with Valhalla. They started it by going after Kai."

He looked cold with suppressed rage. I felt the atmosphere around us shifting as the other members remembered that Toman's Queen had been attacked.

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