Chapter 2 A New Friend?

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** I do not own the image above. All Rights are given to the original artist. This is just what I picture Yukimura Misaki to look like. She's 4 feet and 10 inches, which is why Ayato always calls her small. (Ayato being 5 feet and 5 inches which is tall for her a girl her age)

April 12th, 2004

"Why'd you bring the poindexter?" was the first thing Matsuno asked the second the both of us arrived on the rooftop. "Ow."

"Be nice," Yukimura warned her boyfriend after slapping the back of his head, causing him to rub the area with a frown.

I didn't bother answering him. I moved to sit in my regular seat in front of the couple with my back leaning against the fence that kept anyone from jumping or falling from the roof. Baji decided to sit next to me.

"I didn't know you did charity cases now."

"What?" I let out as I opened my bento box.

"Inviting him. I know you don't plan on making friends with him. So, why? Out of pity?"


"No, it's cool, Yukimura-san," I said as I took some rice with my chopsticks, "I just felt like inviting him. You know I do what I want when I want." I ate the rice.

"No way. There has to be more than that. I had to follow you around for like two years for you to even accept me as a friend. You always brushed me off. You brushed everyone off."

"Chifuyu-kun does have a point. Even though you help and protect everyone you keep everyone at a distance. Well, until now. This is surprising."

"Yeah. And suddenly you want to be friends with... him. Of all people."

I knew that Matsuno wasn't impressed with Baji's appearance. I was sure that when people looked at the both of us together it was like two pieces of a puzzle that did not fit. I honestly didn't care. Something told me he was more than his looks. After all, he knew about my 'street name'. Usually, only delinquents knew that name. My whole school knows because it was passed around. But Baji was new. Maybe that was one reason why I was interested in him.

I glanced in his eyes, "Will you shut up, Matsuno-san? Who I decide to accept as a friend doesn't have anything to do with you. And I never said I was friends with Baji. I just invited him to hang out with us because it was something I wanted to do. So, piss off."

He looked surprised at me. I hardly ever showed this side of me. I was usually calm. But he was seriously annoying me with his questions. Not to mention Bajo was literally sitting next to me. Matsuno was being a dick for some reason.

I clenched my jaw. The only emotion that I couldn't always restrain or keep down was my anger. And I knew that even with my emotionless mask, my anger was showing through.

"And like your girlfriend has been trying to beat into you," I said through my teeth, "Show him some respect or next time it won't be her hitting you."

He looked a little scared at my threat.

"R-right. Sorry."

"Tell it to Baji-san. You've been rude to him this whole time," I looked at the boy sitting next to me that had been quietly eating his food.

"Sorry," Matsuno said to him, "I- I didn't mean anything by what I was saying. It's just been weird seeing Ayato have an interest in someone."

"It's fine," Baji grinned, "I didn't really care. I was too distracted eating this delicious food." He turned his attention to me, "Shit. This has become one of the best parts of my day. Getting to eat the lunch you made. I still can't believe you made this yourself."

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