Chapter 8 Toman and Sano Siblings

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November 3rd, 2004

"So, you're the Shinigami everyone's been talking about?" I looked up at a tall boy with a dragon tattoo on his head.

His gaze was hard, as if trying to decipher my intention. I had my regular emotionless expression on. Two months have gone by. Baji had become my closest friend at that time. There was hardly nothing I didn't tell him. He was the only one I would let my guard down around. But he still wasn't aware that I was a girl.

I looked at my surroundings. We were located at a dojo and there were tables with food and presents. There were several boys there and one girl.

I shrugged, "I'm not the one who started that name."

"Ha? You think you are better than us?" the tall guy grabbed onto the collar of my shirt. "Baji, why did you invite this guy? He is just an outsider."

"Because he is a good friend of mine, Draken," Baji answered the giant, "Give him a chance."

"Uh," I heard Matsuno start, "Maybe you should let him go. He doesn't like being touched."

"Are you ordering your Vice-Commander, Chifuyu?" Draken turned his hard gaze on Matsuno, "Do you want to be be-"

Before he could finish threatening my friend, I grabbed his arm, shifted my feet so that my back was to his chest and pulled on his arm to flip him over my shoulder. He landed hard on his back.

"I don't give a flying fuck who you are, you don't get to threaten my friends," I spat down at the taller boy. My expression was turned into anger. Were these the kind of friends Baji hung out with?

I heard someone clapping a few feet away. I turned to the shorter blond boy who wore a smile on his face.

"Not many people would go up against Draken so easily," the blond commented, "You did it for the defense of your friend. I like you. I understand why Baji became your friend."

"And you are?"

"Sano Manjiro. But everyone just calls me Mikey," he was smiling at me but it looked rather forced.

I heard a groan, "Damn. That was harder than I thought. I guess the rumours about you aren't lies, huh?" Draken grinned as he got up.

I heard a chuckle, "can't believe he took you down like that, Draken."

"Oh, shut up, Mitsuya."

"Are you okay, Draken?" the girl questioned him with concern.

"I'm fine, Emma."

I felt an arm around my shoulder, "See? Told you this guy is a good guy. Glad you all get to finally meet him." Baji turned around and looked at me with a grin, "These are all the founders of Toman. Well, except for Chifuyu and Emma. Emma is Mikey's sister. Oh, and this dojo is Mikey's grandfather's. It's how we met as kids."


"I still don't get it," Matsuno sighed, "You are the only one Ayato let's touch."

"Hey. I was on my best behaviour when Draken-san grabbed me," I protested.

"It's just Draken," I turned to the taller boy as he smiled at me, "Any of Baji's friends are our friends."

"The only person he has ever dropped the honorific with is Baji," Matsuno informed them, "Even though he has known me the longest."

I kept using the honorific as a way to put a distance between me and the person. With Baji it was hard to draw that line when he had opened the door and stepped inside my dark world.

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