Chapter 3 Unfortunate Encounter

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June 15th, 2004

"Are you doing well in school?"


I heard my mom giggle in her hospital bed. I was still in awe of the woman who gave birth to me. She was the one I looked up to most in this shitty world. No matter what tragedies she encountered, she always managed to smile and make the most of the situation. Even now.

Her body was slowly shutting itself down with an illness that had the doctors baffled. No matter the amount of tests, they still couldn't find a way to reverse her conditions.

When I turned 10, it was her sight that went. Even while blind, she still tried to cook, clean, work, and do her best. But I took care of most of those responsibilities. When I was 12, her sense of balance was the next thing to be affected as she would often bump into things and fall. Just before I began middle school, her lungs were given out, leaving her confined in this hospital. In the last three years, she's lost her sense of smell and taste. She is in constant pain and in need of medication for any relief.

"You are so stubborn," she told me, "You know. I would have liked it if you hadn't spent your birthday alone."

"I know."

My birthday was all the way back on April 17th. No one at school knew of my birthday and I had asked my teachers to keep it to themselves. I didn't feel like celebrating the day I was born. Yet, my mother felt guilty that she was unable to give me a proper birthday.

"Besides, I wasn't alone."

She sighed, "Coming to visit me a couple hours does not count. Why are you so against spending time with your friends outside of school?"

This again. Everyday she would bring up my birthday and my friends. I knew it was her way of showing her concern but she only had to worry for her own wellbeing.

"Bold of you to assume I have any friends."

She clicked her tongue, "Don't give me that. I can hear it in your voice. You've been a lot more happy these past few months. I can tell you have made friends. Don't lie to your mother."

I hated how perceptive she was.

"Why do you insist on pushing everyone away? Is it because of-"

"I don't want to talk about that," I stopped her from speaking about the incident when I was 12 years old. I added, "I have had a target on my back since the time I saved that girl. Any friends I make now can get involved in that."

I told my mom mostly everything. There was no point in keeping those things from her. I loved my mom more than anyone in this world. She was a woman that gave me all the love and care she could. She did everything she could to protect me and to show me that she loved me. I was lucky to have her as a mother.

"But you are only human, my precious child," she said to me.

She often called me her precious child. It was an ambiguous way to address me without revealing any gender. It also showed her love for me.

"Am I?"

"Of course, you are," she let out, "Your condition doesn't make you a monster. You are a wonderful, caring, protective, and strong child. The only person that stands in your way from being your true self is you."

"I can never be my true self. Remember?"

"One day you will find someone that you can be your true self with," she said to me with a smile on her face, her unseeing eyes looking in my direction. "I have faith."

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