Chapter 13 Meeting

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July 20th, 2005

"I'll be right back," I told Baji, leaving his side to walk towards my brother and Draken as they greeted a blond boy and a girl.

I was curious to know what they were doing at a Toman meeting. This kid did not look like he was a member and he even brought his girlfriend along. I already knew what we had all gathered around for this meeting. I needed to know what Mikey thought it was appropriate to invite an outsider.

"Mikey, who's the kid?"

Mikey turned his head to look at me as he stayed sitting on top of his motorcycle. He did not have the same smile he would wear. No. I could see the fury hidden behind his cold eyes.

"A friend," he said, "I invited him here. I think he needs to hear this."

"Takemitchy is the younger brother of the girl Mikey has been hanging around," Draken explained to me.

That surprised me. I turned to the kid. He didn't look much of a fighter but I could be wrong. Sometimes you can't judge based on looks.

His body stiffened as he looked at me, bowing his head in respect, "Hanagaki Takemichi."

"Kurosaki Ayato," I introduced myself.

"Also known as Toman's Shinigami," Draken added on with a smirk.

The poor guy looked like he was going to pee his pants, "I- Oh. It's nice to meet you, Kurosaki-san."

My eyes shifted to the girl beside him, "You're lucky Toman members would never hurt a woman but you still shouldn't be dragging your girl to these things."

"Y-yeah. Draken-kun was saying that," he said, rubbing the back of his head looking nervous.

This kid did not leave a big impression on me. I wondered what his older sister was like to have gained the attention of Mikey.

"Oi! Emma," Draken called, "Keep Takemitchy's wifey company, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah," I turned to see Emma walking towards us. She stopped and looked surprised as she looked at the kid. "Oh, wussy boy. It's you."

"Why would that girl call you wussy boy?" Takemitchi's girlfriend asked, looking like she was suppressing her anger.

It was a good question. Did my sister know this kid?

Draken spoke what I was thinking, "Good question. Do you already know Emma?"

"It's not what you think, Hina," the kid said to his girlfriend. He turned to Draken, "You got to believe me, Draken-kun. I don't remember a thing that happened."

"You mean getting me down to my underwear and then running away?"

I'm sorry. What?

Before I could respond or do anything, the kid's girlfriend beat him up before walking off in anger.

Way to go. This kid is an idiot.


August 3rd, 2005

The Musashi Shrine's parking lot was chaotic. Toman versus Moebius in an all out brawl. I was finally able to take out all my pent up aggression on these bastards. I had tried my hardest to stay away from taking the lead on attacking Moebius because of what they had done to Pah's friend. I still couldn't wrap my head around why a gang would do things like that.

In the corner of my eyes, I spotted a girl fighting off some of the Moebius guys. I remembered hearing Mikey telling her to get away. Was she the girl he liked? She looked like she was in danger.

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