"Hah. Stupid bastard " I laughed as I took out my phone that has been recording this whole time. "Better keep this safe for the future" I mumbled to my self as I pocketed my phone. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down a little note for Mitchi when he gets home. I then left his room and entered mine, which was down the hall. I stepped inside and scanned the room before sighing at least they haven't thrown everything out. I grabbed all my belongings and started to put them in duffle bags. As I was clearing out my desk I found a familiar bracelet. The bracelet had three heart charms. One of the hearts had pink stones, the second one had blue stones and the third one had white stones.  There where also three keys as well as 3 hollow hearts with a key stabbing though each heart.

  There where also three keys as well as 3 hollow hearts with a key stabbing though each heart

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I picked up the bracelet as I remembered the day Mitchi gave it too me.


I sighed as I layed down on my bed. It is my 12th birthday and my parents didn't even bother to say happy birthday. I am grateful for Hito like he got me flowers and some EXPENSIVE earrings but it is just my parents never said happy birthday to me. I let out a another sigh. There was then a knock at my door. Already knowing who it was I yelled "Come in!" not moving an inch from my bed. I closed my eyes as I heard The door open followed by a pair of footsteps. I felt a small body crawl next to me and wrap it's small arms around my waist. I let out a little chuckle before opening my eyes and turning my gaze to my little brother. Noticing he had my full attention he flashed my his signature smile I might actually end up blind cause if this kid. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEE-SAN" cheered Michi. "Awww thank you Michi" I awed as I trapped in a tight embrace which he happily obliged whilst giggling. He slightly pushed me off of him and gave me a little box and said "Your birthday present Nee-san." I felt tears sting my eyes but I just wiped them away and took the box and opened it to see a beautiful charm bracelet. I didn't say anything which scared Michi. causing him to stutter "I-I'm sorry I-if you don't l-like it Nee-san. I saved up all my allowance to buy you this gift" His words made the tears to run down you face startling Michi. Not knowing what to do he started panicking but his panicking was cut short as I trapped in another embrace. "Nee-san" called Michi. "Thank you Michi. I love the gift and I will always cherish it" I thanked as I pulled away giving him one of my signature smiles. Not knowing it would of the last ones.


I solemnly looked at the bracelet not realizing the stray tears falling down my face.  I clutched the bracelet in my hand and brought up my chest and held on to it as it was the last thing of Michi I have. I calmed my self down and put the bracelet on; continued packing my things.

I finally finished and carried the two big duffel bags down the stairs. As i reached the bottom stair i saw my parents and the police filling sitting in the living room. Is it just me or is the atmosphere just really tense. The police officer noticed me and took my bags and gave me some alone time to say my final words to my parents. me and my parents stood in the living room in silence. However it didn't last long as my mum decided to say something "Aren't we getting a thank you for keeping and raising you this whole time" spat my mum. This made my blood boil. raise. RAISE. you fuckers didn't raise me. YOU ABADANONED ME.  I said nothing and kept quiet. this amused my dad "Awww. Is my sweet daughter scared of her own parents" my dad cooed as he harshly grabbed my hair to make me look at him. "You ungrateful brat" my dad smacked me across the face. I still didn't say nothing nor did I react or flinch. "Such a disrespectful piece of shit" sneered my mum.

At this point I couldn't hold in the anger I was feeling. With even thinking I kicked my dad in the balls and smacked my mum across the face. My dad screamed in pain as mum stood there silent. "I've been wanting to do that since the day you abandoned me" I explained in a cold voice as I walked out the door. Before I exited though the door I stopped and said "You better not do anything to Takemitchi or it will be you guys who will die by my own hands. That is a promise" not even sparing them a glance I walked out the door and towards the police car. I stayed silent and entered the car. The police officers noticed my slightly foul mood and said nothing as they started to drive off.


I got back home and went up my room. Surprisingly my parents didn't say a word to me as I entered the house. They also seemed deeply disturbed by something but I didn't bother to ask. After my sister died I started to isolate myself. I plopped down on my head and let out a big sigh. I hope your happy Nee-san. I turned my head and noticed a note on my dresser. Hm what's that. I leaned over and grabbed the note. My eyes widen at the message written. I felt my hands start to shake.

Dear Mitchi,

Hey there Mitchi. It's me your older sister. I can only write very little so I will say one thing. I love you Mitchi. even if you hate me or when the whole world is against you I will always love. So always believe in yourself my brother and chase after you dreams. Be happy and find love. I will always be right beside you even though I am not there. We will see each other soon.

Love, your older sister Y/N

I broke down crying whilst hugging the piece of paper. N-Nee-san.

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