Ω 35 Ω

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"here we are... in paris..." chenle stated, gluing his face to the window of the train as the sun set behind the eiffel tower.

"capital of france, and romanticism." renjun added, looking as amazed as chenle by the scenery.

"it's so beautiful..." donghyuck muttered, his eyes shining as a bright smile appeared on his face.

mark who was stitting not so far from them had heard their conversation, and he didn't hesitate to whisper the words "not as beautiful as you..." as he looked at donghyuck's back.

he internally hated himself for hurting donghyuck by screaming out loud that he didn't have any feelings for him, when it was very obvious that he had some.

donghyuck and him hadn't spoken for 24hours, and it seemed like an eternity for him.

he missed the younger's beaming smiles – not that donghyuck didn't smile anymore, but he had just stopped smiling at mark – he missed his light laugher or the way he would glue his body to mark's whenever he had the chance.

having donghyuck next to him made mark feel loved, but now that donghyuck and him were awkward, he was back to feeling like the excluded descendant of hades, and as much as he liked this before, he couldn't stand it anymore.

"this is our stop."

jisung's voice pulled mark off his thoughts, and the boy was quick to stand to his feet, taking the empty bags of food the seven of them had eaten during the six-hour ride.

all the boys got off the train, following chenle who was already asking for directions in french.

in a nick of time, the seven boys were out of the station, breathing fresh parisian air.

"what do we do now?" jaemin asked, keeping an eye on renjun, chenle and donghyuck who were a few steps ahead of them, looking at their surroundings.

"we find a place to stay the night." mark declared.

the seven boys wandered around the city, chenle, renjun and donghyuck admiring the scenery and trying their best to say 'bonjour' to any person around while the other four boys were actually looking for an apartment to rent or an hotel to stay in.

"bonjour!" donghyuck exclaimed, waving at a stranger before bursting out laughing with chenle and renjun because of his poor accent.

mark turned his head when he heard donghyuck's melodious laugh, smiling sadly at the sight.

it seemed like donghyuck could be happy without him.

maybe this was what was best for him.

"are you going to keep staring at him all night long?" jaemin raised a brow. "or are you going to approach him?"

"i'm sure he hates me after what i said..." mark sighed, his eyes never leaving donghyuck.

"and i'm sure he doesn't."

donghyuck eventually turned around, his eyes meeting mark's sad orbs and getting mesmerized.

the two boys shared an intense eye contact that was eventually broken by donghyuck when he felt his heart becoming mad inside his chest.

jaemin stared at the two boys, smiling at their interaction, and wrapping an arm around mark's shoulder when they borke their visual contact.

"see, the blush on his face tells me that he doesn't hate you." jaemin smirked.

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