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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, so as an apology here is a long chapter. Hope you enjoy ☺️

Author POV

A sound of clacking of heels was heard, everyone shivered. The lady, or as she liked to be called ' The Mistress' walked to her dungeons. The dungeons were a place of pure torture. Screams and wails were heard. Those voices hold immense pain and suffering.

The Lady walked to the last dungeon and smiled looking at the creature inside it. She opened the door of the cage and pulled the leash of the creature.

All the other creatures were scared but happy that they weren't chosen today. The Lady had a total of 2 of these creatures. These creatures were also called Hybrids.

There were two parts of the dungeons. And each part had a male one

(There is m-preg, so it doesn't matter whether they are boys or girls. Female means they can give birth)

The hybrid was alone. He knew nothing of the outside world.


They were kept in small cottages with a bunch of kids when they were younger. There would a caretaker with them, who would give them only the necessities to live.

If they were lucky, their caretaker for the year would be kind. Till the age of 9 all the hybrids of same age stayed in the same house. After their 10th birthday they would separated as males and females accordingly.

Once separated they would be sent to different houses with different rules. Males were taught to please their future owner while the females were taught to serve their owner in every way.

The methods they used would traumatise them for life. The females were taught to 'never sit on a sofa or a chair' in front of their masters unless told by them. They should either stand or sit on the floor.

If while training the females disobeyed the trainers, the trainers would whip their legs and they were made to stand for 24 hours with no food or water.

Hybrids are not supposed to ask for food from their masters. They can only eat the food when the master has given permission. During training they were made to survive the day with just one meal.

Both males and females were made to wear lewd clothes all the time because for their future owner they would be toys shown for display. And toys need to be dazzling.

The more costly the hybrid, the more powerful the owner.

This torturous training went for almost 10 years. By the age of 13 all the hybrids understand their fate and play along waiting that one day someone may come and save them.

No one within this place would help them, their only way is to escape on the way to your new owners house once you get bought at the auction or escaping from your owners house.

The entire place is like a military container, getting out is impossible.

The auction happens every year when the hybrids attain the age of 18. If they are not sold at 18, they placed for the next year and the cycle continues.

If the hybrid is not sold even by the age of 28, then they become a breeding object. Each breeder has to have at least 5 children. Hybrids are naturally beautiful looking. They attract humans. But humans forget that they have feelings too even if they are a little different.

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