However, he still needed his high level cultivation for now and didn't plan to abolish it so quickly.

When cultivating, there are 13 realms in total:

Stage 1: Qi condensation
Stage 2: foundation establishment
Stage 3: core formation
Stage 4: golden core
Stage 5: soul condensation
Stage 6: nascent soul
Stage 7: Spiritual body
Stage 8: emperor
Stage 9: astral spirit
Stage 10: Void spirit
Stage 11: Heavenly spirit
Stage 12: immortal spirit
Stage 13: supreme Ascension

And for the first stage, there are 9 mini stages, as for stage 2 and above, they contain 3 stages in between, Low, medium and high, there is also peak but that's for when cultivators are nearing the next break through to the next realm.

Rong Yuhang's cultivation was currently at stage 5: soul condensation which proves how talented he is, being able to reach that stage at the age of 18 was deemed heaven defying and showed just how terrifying his talent was.

The cultivation method Rong Yuhang used was very good, but the side effects were detrimental. They would cause him to lose control over himself as time passed, and even magnify his negative traits, which helped make his reputation even all the more deplorable.

Most of the credit didn't go to only that though, it was mainly Rong Yuhang's ruthless nature in general which made it possible to do such a thing excessively.

Rong Yuhang stared at the Wujian pavilion with emotionless eyes. He stepped in with Luo Mingli in tow.

The employee saw Rong Yuhang who was wearing clothes which clearly indicated that he was wealthy or did not have a simple identity and welcomed them with his best smile.

As for 'ugly' Luo Mingli, he was directly ignored and the employee was even filled with disgust at how such an abominable face could even step into Wujian pavilion.

Both of them saw the clear contempt on his face directed at Luo Mingli. Luo Mingli sighed inwardly at how amazing Rong Yuhang's disguising skills were with the addition of this narrow minded employee.

The employee was planning to kick him out of the store but was stopped by Rong Yuhang. "This person is with me."

The employee was startled, looking back and forth between their faces. His face twisted a bit but he tried his best to maintain professional. "Oh...of course, dear customer. What would you like to buy? Our Wujian pavilion has many herbs and materials alike."

Rong Yuhang cut to chase and said. "I want to buy Star graze lupin grass, there should've been one shipped in recently."

"Yes dear customer! You are well informed." The employee said. "It was just shipped in this morning, you're very lucky as no one has bought it yet."

"I would like to buy it now."

"Yes of course. I will bring it out in a moment." The employee went to get the herb and quickly came back after with a jade box in his hands.

He set it on the counter and Rong Yuhang opened the box to see a glowing bluish grass shaped like a star. Satisfied, Rong Yuhang paid for it, 10,000 spiritual stones before leaving with the jade box.

"Thank you for your purchase."

Just as both of them left, another group walked in. The face value of this group was spectacular.

They were Lin Yangqiu and Zheng Yingbiao. Lin Yangqiu went to the employee and asked. "Excuse me, do you happen to have Star graze lupin grass? I heard it had just been imported. "

The employee's face turned awkward and he smiled slightly. "Well dear customer, I'm sorry to inform you but our only Star graze lupin grass has just been sold."

Lin Yangqiu was wide eyed as someone had beaten him to it. He asked the employee. "Do you know who just bought it? Can you tell me what they look like?"

The employee stood there and described their appearances."There were two people and the one who bought it was wearing red robes and the other well... His appearance is not very pleasant to look at and he wore white robes so when you see a slightly handsome man and a not so good looking one walking together, it should be them."

"Thank you, we'll be taking our leave now." Lin Yangqiu thanked the employee and rushed out of the pavilion to catch up to them. Zheng Yingbiao also followed along.

After looking through the streets, Lin Yangqiu finally saw the duo in the distance, one with red robes while the other had white robes. When he went to take a look at their faces, he realised that the employee was being quite nice about the white robed man's appearance. Really... Lin Yangqiu couldn't help but feel repulsion at the sight, compared to him, Rong Yuhang was so much more pleasing to the eyes.

Lin Yangqiu put his repulsion down and went up and stopped them. "Excuse me you two but can I have a chat with you please?"


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