old dogs can learn new tricks

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my how to train your dragon story which I hope that all of you are enjoying reading. Now for my question of the day and that is what did you guys think about stoick's first dragon when you saw it? Personally I thought stoick would get something like a Skrill since he wanted a dragon like toothless and in the book of dragon Skrill and night fury are the same class but I do like thornado. anyway let's get on with the story now.


I looked at the broken ship that a dragon had attacked, I pulled on one of the ropes that were attacked to it with the other Vikings so we could beach it then repair it. Once the ship was beaches everyone dropped the rope the were holding while Stoick walked over to the ship from the wooden dock to examine the damage. Me and dad followed behind him while hiccup and toothless landed on the ground.

Gobber:"it's that rouge dragon again, that the second boat this week he's destroyed."

I looked at the deck of the ship seeing that everything was all over the place as well as holes of the deck of the ship, more work for me.

Stoick:"well, we lost another while catch, we could have saved it if we gotten there sooner."

Stoick turned to me and dad as I nodded, we need not kill the dragon just scare it off, according to the new way of life here.

Hiccup:"well I know how you could have gotten there sooner."

I turned to Hiccup who was gesturing to toothless which seemed to cause slight annoyance on Stoick.

Stoick:"here we go again."

Hiccup:"if you flown there on a dragon you could have been there in five minutes instead of two hours, and you might have even been able to chase that rouge dragon away for good."

Stoick picked up on of the broken planks from the deck of the ship while hiccup made some good points.

Stoick:"as the chief of Berk I do things the Viking way."

Stoick threw the piece of broken wood back onto the deck of the ship.

Stoick:"not the dragon way."

Hiccup:"well the Viking way is costing us a lot of fish, and almost as many boats."

Hiccup then gestured to the vessel that was damaged by a dragon, dad nodded and walked closer to Stoick.

Gobber:"the boys got a point, if you were on a dragon you could protect this island from a lot of things, even Alvin."

Stoick stroked his chin hearing the world's of his long time friend.

Hiccup:"right, you could use a dragon to-"

Stoick:"your right Gobber, Alvine know we have dragons, hell be back."

Y/n:"and how long will we have till they have dragons of there own."

Stoick:"a grim throught."

Gobber:"but you two saw what those dragons did."

Dad gestured his head to hiccups dragon.

Gobber:"they had Alvin on the run, imagine if you were the one commanding them."

Stoick:"I'm listening."

Gobber placed his right hand on Stoick shoulder as the two walked down the dock.

Hiccup:"obviously not to me."

I placed my hand on hiccups shoulder since I know how that feels.

Y/n:"get use to it."

Gobber:"oh, I can see it now, a proud Viking chief ruling over his domain atop a fearsome fire breathing reptile."

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