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Fizzarolli couldn't help but sob as he slumped against the alleyway wall. His life was ruined... someone had gotten a picture of him out of makeup and now it's everywhere- no one wanted an imp...

So, he ran. He didn't want to be there to see the disappointment and disgust of Asmodeus when he realized he's been friends with an imp- that he hired one- and now, Fizz ruined his establishment's reputations.

Fizz thought through his options, and he might stay with Blitzo for a while, if his cousin lets him. He knows they haven't had the best relationship, especially after the accident- he never could forgive Blitzo for what he did to him, but he can only hope that he can be forgiven for what he did to Blitzo... how he embarrassed him in front of his date just a month ago-

He was hesitant as he pulled out his phone. There were a hundred texts from Asmodeus. He couldn't bring himself to look at the messages as more and more were added every second, not wanting to see the disappointment from him. He blocked the Lust Demon through tears before clicking on Blitzo's contact.

The texts dated back to years ago, making him hesitant to ask. They didn't have the best relationship... but he would help Fizz out... right? It took him a while to think over his decision of whether or not he should send it or not, 'will Blitzo even respond to it? Will he let him stay for a while? What if he's blocked-' He ends up clicking send before he could think not to.

He sat there for seconds, minutes, an hour- before he finally got a response. Tears continued to roll down his race, washing away his face paint, as a smile stretched across his face. Blitzo was letting him stay with him, as long as he would help IMP during work hours, and sent Fizz address.

Fizz quickly thanked his cousin before rushing through the city, pulling the hood up of a random hoodie he grabbed before running out of Ozzie's. Using his extendible limbs to fly past many others of lust's citizens and to get to the elevator as quickly as possible, trying to keep out of strangers peering eyes.

When he reached the elevators he waited until elevator 666 arrived from Pride so he could go to to a different ring, and hopefully avoid the embarrassment he's gotten here after his species was revealed.

When got into the elevator he sat in the farthest seat corner where the fewest people could see him. He still was able to feel eyes glancing over at him, pulling his hood over his face, trying to disappear as just another person among the crowds in the moving box.

When they finally arrived in Pride Fizz rushed off of thr elevator and rushed towards where the map on his phone was saying Blitzo's address was. When he reached the apartment he slowly climbed up the stairs. 'what if he was given the wrong address.' As that thought crossed his mind he quickly pushed it away, that couldn't be true- and even if it was... this was his best bet to get a do-over after this mess was made.

He paused in front of the door in front of him. This was it... His chance to get a new life... again... was right in front of him- and he just needed to nock. After standing there for a minute in silence he nocked on the wooded door. The few moments before it opened it heart paused, wondering if Blitzo would actually be there for him- the sound of the door creaking open snapped him out of his thoughts, and his eyes snapped to the other imp's as they stared at each other for a minute in silence, before Fizz broke the silence, "Hey Blitzo."

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