Chapter 2

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Zayn's POV

I made it through the book signing as well as a short interview we had to do about our book without any attacks. I know that was only because Niall sat beside me the whole time and joked with me to keep me feeling pretty relaxed. I think just being with Niall keeps me happy and calm, but I still hate the stupid questions we get asked. I think the fans know my favorite color and yes, I think getting married at my age is a good idea... kind of.

I was exhausted when we got back to the hotel and just wanted to sleep until we had to get on the road again for something else. That was going to be tour, which I was not looking forward to. I'm just tired and want to take a break. This gets to be too much sometimes and I don't enjoy it. I want things to slow down, but it always does that opposite instead.

"Boys, go back to your rooms and pack up. You all get to go home for a week then it's tour time." David said then have me a look of disgust. I rolled my eyes at him, being jist as childish as he was, and walked over to Louis as we all made our way down the hall to our rooms.

"Got some stuff if you want to smoke it before we fly. Or, we can just do it on the plane. Liam, Niall and Harry aren't going to London." Louis told me in a low voice, but I still heard the pain when he said Harry's name. They love each other to death, but they know it's not the reality of things so they stay in a deep pain trying to ignore it. In other words, they feel like me. The only difference is that they have sex and snog each other then fight because they know they shouldn't have done that. It's sad to watch two people in love try to deny it. I wonder if that how I look towards Niall? I'm sure I just look desperate and depressed.

"On the plane is better. I just want to get away from those controlling fuckers." I mumbled to him as I stopped in front of my door. He let our a loud laugh, then stopped when he saw Harry opening his door. Louis' blue eyes scraped over the long haired boys body, until I finally just pushed him away from me over to Harry.

"Go do something with him quick, I'll cover for you if I have to." I whispered, which made him nod and nearly run over to where Harry had just opened the door. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry and kissed the side of his neck while pushing him in the room, the door closing behind them. I sighed, then turned to go back to opening my door.

I walked in and saw Niall was already in my room folding my shirts and putting my things in my suitcase. I knew he ran ahead of all of us after we were told what to do, but I didn't see that he come in here.

"What are you doing?" I asked him sweetly as I walked up behind him and rested my chin on his shoulder.

"Helping you pack. I thought maybe it would take something off your to do list." He told me, then zipped up my suitcase. I smiled, the first real smile I have all day, and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt him back up into my body, but I didn't make much of it because that's just how Niall is. He's like a puppy that you give affection to and he responds by cuddling in for more. It's truly adorable and I can't get enough of it.

"Thank you so much. Let's go get you packed up now." I said and tried to lean in to kiss his cheek, but he moved out of my and ran to the door.

"Let's go!" He yelled excitedly and opened the door. I got my bag off my bed and went to follow him.

When we made it to his room, which was on the other side of Harry's room, we both started gathering Niall's things and putting them in his suitcase. In the middle of packing we heard a slight knocking on the wall and a few muffled moans that I knew were from Harry.

I looked away from the wall and to Niall, who had a deep red blush on his face. I smiled and put his last shirt in before sitting in his bed.

The sounds from Larry's bedroom were still going strong after ten minutes so I just rolled my eyes. Those two love each other in a very sweet way even if they gave up, but they will always be strongly attracted to each other and still have pretty intimate moments.

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