MIKE: No, Chica, it's ok, it's fine…I made the…I mean I…

CHICA: I've just gone a made this awkward, haven't I?

MIKE: Chica, please don't worry, really, it's fine…I just…what I'm trying to say is…uh…look, just…not now, ok? Just…not this minute…

CHICA: I'm…sorry…

MIKE: Don't be sorry…it was nice…I just…Look, I'll see you tonight okay? And please don't worry…take care, okay?

Mike smiled back at Chica, who was still blushing but then produced a smile herself and nodded. This made Mike smile even more and he turned around to go back to the office. Chica just watched him leave and sighed happily, she looked down at the empty plate and then picked it up…but then another hand grabbed the plate. This startled her and slightly gasped as Foxy was in front of her.

FOXY: Ye don't deserve love, lass! Ye couldn't even show it to me…

CHICA: F-Foxy…I-

FOXY: Ye think this Mike, will love ye?

CHICA: Please…just go away…

FOXY: He's using ye, he hates ye! HE HATES YE, LASS!

CHICA: (Closes her eyes) GO AWAY!

Silence. She opened her eyes and Foxy wasn't there…she took deep breathes and yet, felt a slight satisfaction with her quick outburst…maybe she was gaining control of her negative thoughts. This was a good sign…and within seconds, she put it past her and took the plate to the kitchen.

3rd Night.

Mike didn't hesitate opening the back door but he didn't rush it. He kicked the door, slamming it open…he felt slightly better after that, his expression full of anger…he wondered it Chica heard that, he didn't want to look scary in front of her…she's had enough shit to put up with, so he went straight to the security office, forcing the door open and slumped into the chair. He sighed angrily.

MIKE: Stupid…bitch…why do I bother…?

He looked at the phone and saw it was flashing, another message it seemed. Mike was going to let it pass but decided to listen to it, though he wondered why the phone guy couldn't just leave one massive message, instead of boring short ones. Mike shrugged and pressed the button, beeping first and then silence for a few seconds…and then static.

PHONE GUY: HelBBZZZZZHello…3rd night, how you finBBBZZZZZZZ Just to BBBBZZZZZ Frid-dayBBBBBZZZZ will be your lasBBBBZZZZZZZZ abandon BBBBZZZZ as the buildinBBBBBBZZZZZZdozeredBBBBBZZZZZZZ so be clear wheBBBBBBBBBBBZZZZZZZZ collaspes…oh y-yeah BBBBZZZZZ seen this golden BBBBZZZZZZZZZZ …

The phone then went dead.

MIKE: Christ, I couldn't make a word of that…well that was a waste of time.

The buzzing sound was now getting annoying and turned it off, deleting the message. Mike then checks the tablet, looking through the servalence to see where Chica was, she was in the kitchen…and what looked like she was wrapping her hand with something…a bandage perhaps? A little concerned, Mike got up and headed for the kitchen.

Chica was quickly wrapping her hand, Mike was at the door and knocked to get Chica's attention. She panicked slightly and tried to hide her hand.

CHICA: Oh…Mikey…I didn't hear you come in…

FNAF: No Longer Alone (Mike x Toy Chica)Where stories live. Discover now