"You feeling better?" he asked softly.

"Yea, thank you. Sorry for the scene earlier," she yawned.

"You know I always got you. It's getting late. You need anything before bed?"

"Maybe just a t-shirt and some sweats," Olivia looked down at her jeans and leather jacket.

Spencer walked over to his closet. He grabbed her his largest shirt and a pair of basketball shorts and tossed them her way. Giving her privacy to change, he turned around and faced the wall.

"All good," Olivia announced once she was done changing.

"You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the floor," Spencer grabbed a pillow and blanket and started to lay them out next to the bed.

"You have a huge game tomorrow, there's no way you're sleeping on this hard ass carpet," Olivia argued, "I'll take the floor."

"Girl, there's no way I'm letting you -"

"Fine," Olivia interrupted, "there's plenty of room up here. We'll be good."

"You sure?" he questioned, wanting to make sure she was comfortable with sharing his twin bed.

"More than sure. You first, I don't like the wall. Makes me feel claustrophobic," Olivia waited as Spencer made his way onto the bed before turning off the lights.

As Olivia lay down next to him, he scooted as close to the wall as possible, wanting to make sure she had enough space. 

"You comfortable?"

"Yea," she yawned again, quickly drifting off to sleep.

Spencer's breath lingered on the back of her neck as he grabbed her waist and pumped into her with full force.

"Deeper," Olivia moaned, bringing her arm up to wrap around the back of his neck. She needed to feel as much of him as possible.

The temperature in the room seemed to increase exponentially as their sweaty bodies glided against each other, Spencer grunting as he hit uncharted territory.

"I want to look at you," Olivia got out between shaky breaths. Flipping her around, Spencer plunged back in and attacked her neck, bringing his hand down to circle her clit. The tension in her body was building. She was close.

Just as she was about to get her release, she felt something stab her in the back.

Startled, Olivia's eyes shot open as she looked down to find her hand down her shorts, her fingers slightly sticky. It took her a couple more seconds to remember where she was. She was in Spencer's room, and Spencer had her pinned up against him, his arm tight around her waist. The stabbing in her back could only mean one thing.

Panic settled in as she tried to figure out an escape plan. She did not want to imagine the awkward conversation that would take place if Spencer woke up.

The reality was there was only one way out. Carefully, she pried Spencer's fingers off her body, thanking every god out there that he was a heavy sleeper. Tiptoeing across the room, she grabbed her phone and clothes from last night. She'd have to walk across campus in his clothes; she couldn't risk him waking up while she changed.

As soon as she was out of his dorm building, she called Tiana to make sure she was home to let her in. It was 7:30am, but this was the only way she was getting back into her room.

"Thank you. I owe you big time," Olivia relaxed once she was safe in her dorm.

"No problem," her sleepy roommate mumbled, turning to go back to bed.

The ache between her legs had only worsened on her way home, the details of her wet dream had quickly come back to her as she walked across campus. 

Luckily, she and Tiana had a suite style dorm where they shared a common space, but had their own rooms. Needing to relieve the pressure, she stripped down in her room and pulled out her vibrator.

"Fuck," she moaned as thoughts of Spencer's body up against her infiltrated her mind.

On the other side of campus, Spencer woke up to find the other half of his bed empty, and his hard member standing up at attention. Mortified, he pieced together what had happened. Shit.

Panicking, he grabbed his phone to call Liv. He couldn't risk his relationship with his best friend because he wasn't able to control himself. As he scrolled to her contact, thoughts of her body pressed into him only made him throb harder. It was probably best to take care of his situation before calling her up.

Olivia moaned as the vibrator massaged her swollen clit while her other hand pumped in and out of her dripping center. Mentally, she replaced her fingers with something much bigger.

Spencer's hand flew up and down his length. Caught up in the moment, he let his guilt momentarily fade away to imagine Liv's warm mouth taking him in, swirling her tongue around his head.

"Fuck me, Spencer," Olivia whined, submitting to the moment. All she could think about was the outline in his sweatpants this morning and what it could do to her.

"Aghhhh," Spencer grunted. He pictured Liv kneeling in front of him, delicately sucking on his balls as she stared up at him. The mental image was all it took for him to reach his climax, rope after rope of cum shooting out onto his sheets. 

He pumped his hand a couple more times to make sure he got everything out. Collapsing on his bed, he took a minute to breath before picking up the phone to call Liv.

With her hand deep in her folds, Olivia could feel the pressure building within her. She was moments away from her sweet release. 

Suddenly, her phone started to ring beside to her. The screen lit up, and the name that appeared sent her over the edge, her legs trembling as they clench up around her hand. This was the hardest she's ever cum on her own.

As her orgasm passed, panic set back in. Why was he calling her? Did he want to talk about this morning? She wasn't prepared for that conversation, she needed a minute to think.

They had been best friends for four years now. Yea, she had feelings for him when he first moved to Beverly, but that was then. She had successfully suppressed those. Or at least she thought. 

Sure, they had their flirty moments, especially now that they were older and in college, but they were just friends. Nothing had ever happened beyond that.

Spencer jumped when he saw Olivia's name light up on his screen. His nerves had been getting the best of him as the time dragged on.

"Hey," Spencer answered, trying to sound natural.


"You get home ok?"

"Yea, um, I slipped out early to get some work done before the tailgating started," she lied.

Silence took over as neither of them spoke for several seconds.

"So, um, we good?" Spencer asked, not doing a very good job of masking his nervousness.

"Yea, we're good..."

"Ok, so I'll see you after the game?"

"Yea, I'll be there," her heart sped up at the thought of seeing him later that night, "like always."

"Bet, well, I hope you have a good rest of your day. Talk to you later."

"Yea, good luck tonight," she hung up.

The call did little to settle his nerves. Their normal banter was no where to be found, and Olivia even sounded a bit... sad? 

He spent the rest of the day hoping that he didn't fuck things up. He couldn't lose his favorite girl.

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