Chapter 10- Lucky Girl

Start from the beginning


"No offense, but you threw a trash can at the guy. That doesn't exactly make you a hero, unlike me " Ben said. "What about Paige? She threw a trash can at the guy too," Gwen said. "Yeah but she's always been a hero to me," Ben explained. "Wake up. The only reason you're a big hero is because of that watch. If Paige or I found it instead of you... we'd be getting all the attention and all the cool souvenirs," Gwen said, frustrated.


Ben was rummaging through the box and pulled out the charm that I saw earlier. "All right, here, take it," He said, holding it out to his cousin. "Really?" She said, smiling. "Yeah, I got tons of other stuff," "Gwen, don't you have something you want to say to Ben?" Max asked his granddaughter. "You know this doesn't change the fact that you're just plain lucky... but thanks," She said. "You're welcome." Then Ben looked at me,"Do you want something too, princess?" I thought about it. "Yeah, I want a kiss," Ben chuckled. "I'm more than happy to comply with that request," Then he kissed me, softly.


We were now at a restaurant eating dinner. "I've been counting. You've had eleven crawfish to my nine," Gwen said to Ben. "Sounds like it's time to make it an even dozen," He said, reaching for the crawfish. All of the sudden, Gwen's fork hit Ben's hand. I gave her an angry look but she didn't see it. "I don't think so," She said.


Then a bowl of uncooked crawfish came from the kitchen, flew through the air and landed on Ben's head. I was shocked and tried so hard not to laugh. Gwen picked up the crawfish and ate it. "OK, now I'm full," She said. "But they're not..." Ben said as one of the crawfish went up his nose. Now, we were walking along and looking at the different stands that were set up.


"You know, in all my travels, I never actually saw... a crawfish climb in someone's nostril until today," Max said with a laugh. "Glad I could make your day, grandpa," Ben said, unamused. "By the way, thanks again for the charm. I feel like I should get you something in return," Gwen said. Then she went up to a hot dog stand. "One, please," She said.


"Help, they stole my purse," We heard. Then we looked to see three thugs coming our way. "That's far enough," Max said. "Yeah? Who's going to make us? You, pops?" One of them said, smugly. "Actually, him and his close personal friend Diamondhead," Ben said. I went with him so he could transform in a safe place. "Come on, work!" He said, frustrated by the Omnitrix. "This is not my lucky day," The Omnitrix still wouldn't work.


"Let me take care of them," Ben said as he pushed Gwen out of the way. Max grabbed one of the thugs and he wasn't going anywhere. "Cool," Gwen said as she looked to see that the charm was glowing. "This little girl is a hero, officer," The woman who lost her purse said. "Who, me? Just lucky, I guess," She said. The next morning, it was still early so Ben and I were trying to sleep. But Max was snoring so loud, we couldn't.


"Hey, Gwen. You got a mega-sized cork on you? Gwen?" Ben asked. We went outside to see Gwen playing basketball. "OK, we are definitely not playing horse," Ben said. "Give me the ball" She demanded. "Now till you tell me how you did that," He said. "What can I say? I'm charmed," Gwen said, a cocky tone in her voice. "It's like every time it glows, everything just goes my way," She explained. "Nothing like a good night's sleep. Who wants breakfast?" Max asked us.

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